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New EVE Online Trailer

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 16 May 2006.

  1. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I am completly broke and trying to make cash off mining atm :lol:
  2. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I started a corporation again, with an alt character, mainly to help a RL friend who just started the game.. Doing everything in groups is much more fun than solo in this game. I've got a scheme ready for making some decent money to start, so those who want to can tag along and we'll see what trouble we can collectively get into.

    Depending on how far along you are Hamma I can probably help you get leg up with your equipment and such.

    My friend Jason and I are going to be attempting some of the missions together too.. Him because he wants to keep going with his missions, and me because I botched so many missions a long time ago (because I was playing solo and didn't know what i was doing), I need to restore my reputation :p

    Let me know in game if you like and we can get on TS.

    Ingame: Anarion
    Corporation: Draconus Conglomerate Enterprises (sry, Enron was already taken)
    Location: Aikoro IV, Moon 1, Caldari Steel Factory
  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Cool perhaps I will move my base of operations there :D I dont think its to far from where I am now.

    I have played for a bit a few months ago - so I am sporting a Caracal Cruiser and a few other toys including a badger to run around all my crap.
  4. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Right now, we're just trying to get some cash coming in. Jason is in a good position because he works from home, and with a couple computers can do all the hamster wheel stuff that just seems like wasting time when you play during the evenings. (i.e. buy X product here, autopilot, pick up X, autopilot, drop off and sell X, wash rinse repeat).

    At the moment I'm in a Caracal too (putting aside making money for a battlecruiser to make corporate money), with a Badger, and a Merlin. We've got a couple other frigates and jason is in a Kestrel. We had considered as well getting a Badger II to increase trade routes and such.

    When we really want to get going I figure we can ally our corp with some corporate alliance out in 0.0 space to ensure some security while we're out there.
  5. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    A bunch of PSU folk are in EOG / ASCN

    Peacemaker, Electrofreak etc. hehe
  6. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    oh forgot to add, I have a few other ships as well. Problem is I have not been able to decide what I want to do in EVE exactly so I have jumped around from thing to thing.
  7. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Those people you want to fly around with Hamma?

    I have to admit, Ive played really conservatively since coming back into EVE.. The thought of losing my ship to some asshat spacepatroller who takes advantage of my lack of pvp experience, isn't a good one. I like the idea of moving into low security space, with people I know, or know will be helpful.

    Playing with people you know or allying yourself with people you trust makes the game that much better.. It'd be like in WoW, if you wanted to head into the Barrens, unless you're the right lvl/character type, you don't want to do it alone.

    To me, outside of taking up piracy; I'd like to move into low security space, make $$ train up to bigger and better ships, and then get involved in the PvP aspect of everything. I like the idea of flying and pvping in a battleship, but also flying around in a covert ops ship as well. I'm sorta shooting for that.

    If having our own corp helps us out in the beginng stages, great, we can move to a bigger corp, or ally with one, in the future. IMO jumping into some of those big corps right away can leave you as a really small cog in a big machine.

    I don't know much about the PSU guys corps, but if they're good people we can gravitate out to where they are, if that's what we want to do.
  8. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Unless you want to be a captain of industry or a mining expert, its probably going to come down to some role in pvp.. Straight up fighting or support, or my favourite, covert ops.. Lots of things you can do I suppose, just have to figure out what interests you.
  9. Pantrea, korvoc, jouster and a bunch of others have a group there im in it but cant remember what were called lol
  10. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    saw some of them in different corps recently Shads (panthera comes to mind), so that's a bit confusing. I started a corp more to help my friends coming into the game than have some semi-official CDL presence; though if any DW wants to join up or not, I'm happy to help. The game IS definitely better with a group of people, than going it solo.
  11. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Well I don't not trust those guys per say - they introduced me to teh game and got me on my feet :D

    I've started moving all my junk to your neck of the woods.
  12. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Cool Hamma.. When you apply to the corp we can get you setup as a director right away, so you can move stuff around within the corp, and we can all help each other out..

    just don't make off in the middle of the night with all our stuff ok?? :rofl:

    no.. seriously... :p
  13. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    Of course not haha :D Never applied to a corp before, will figure it out :p
  14. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Got hooked up with Asp last night and already learned a few things :lol:

    "You're using what missiles on your cruiser?!?!" :rofl:

    Owned up a few weakling pirates and called it a night. Today I re-equip my missle cruiser :lol:
  15. Standard missile launchers on a cruiser?
  16. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    yar I just put what I had on it :lol:
  17. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Can't go any bigger than that for a cruiser.. its the fact that he was using light missiles instead of heavy missiles that was the most disturbing. :lol:
  18. I guess by standard u mean non-named Asp? heavy missiles can't be loaded into standard launchers, u need heavy launchers, which u can most certainly fit on a cruiser.

    either way it all depends on what u r fighting....

    while u definately don't want to use standard launchers on a caracal....u might want to use assault launchers (i.e. vs. inty's & assault frigates)

    Now if u r going up against against cruisers and larger hulls, then yes u want heavies. This is of course most important for pirates (player pirates), as you can usually have your way with low lvl belt rats (npc pirates), although as the rat lvls increase so will their difficulty.

    A prime example of heavy missiles vs. frigate - I can hit at over 90K in my caracal with skills + 1 sensor booster. I was being hunting in a low sec system that a friend and i were mining in by a few frigate pirates. i had been jumping around to the various belts, and managed to get him at long range, over 70K+. I was able to dish out only 9 points of damage per hit. With my caldari cruiser lvl 5 and other skill bonuses, base damage was over 250. While he might have been buffed vs. kinetic (i was using scourge for best bonus w/caracal) its a great example of the damage loss vs. small fast targets using a missile with an inappropriate explosion radius/ explosion velocity. Needless to say, i left as he had friends out there that were heading my way to tackle (warp scram & web) me.

    Check out the missile guide - it will give u a good idea of how missile work vs various targets.

    Last edited: 31 May 2006
  19. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    yep, my mistake.. :p

    those guides are nice btw..
    Last edited: 31 May 2006
  20. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Yea that guide is pretty crazy :eek:

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