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World in Conflict

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Ground Chuk, 4 Jul 2006.

  1. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    For: Vivendi
    Re: World in Conflict
    Out: Spring 2007

  4. speechless the video was impressive
  5. Wow... and it's a strategy game? So were those cut scenes or actual gameplay vid?
  6. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Last edited: 6 Jul 2006
  7. That was a very well assembled video.
    A lot of time was spent on that. I also enjoyed the music (ever hear the soundtrack to THE ROCK) ;)

  8. If they can make a fun RTS that doesn't turn into "build more stuff and go blow more stuff up" I'd be psyched. C&C was fun in LAN but the single player always bored me (okay, so I found a bug in the AI for resource collection).

  9. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    The Rock: Great movie, bad acting. Case in point: Nick Cage is trying to disassemble the first rocket and starts to go off on Sean Connery because the foot of a dead terrorist is still twitching. And why waste a magazine on dropping an air conditioner on a prone man when, I'm fairly certain, only 2 or 3 bullets would have stopped the terrorist from throwing the grenade.

    Stickler for details. Sorry. [insert "Because it's Hollywood" disclaimer here]
  10. Are you in the right thread? Because I am lost :)

    We say welcome to the rock when people check in here on Oki
  11. trailer does indeed look awesome...and strategy games are my first gaming love...
  12. I saw the game at E3. It looked OK. Of course I'm very jadded. ;)

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