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Prey, what a colossal disappointment

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Brokentusk, 16 Jul 2006.

  1. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    My only issue with the game is the length. I bought it Friday night and had it finished Saturday afternoon.

    I would like to say I put in a marathon gaming session. But all told, maybe 8 hours of play there.

    I wish I had waited for it to hit the bargin bin. As it is I bought a special edition. And really feel ripped off.

    spoiler warning

    There is a point in the game where you are facing an 800 mile trek through a space station, you get ported 799 miles to the end.

    The end literally feels like someone just said "Hey guys, we need to ship this. So just fly the space station into the sun and go gold with it"

    I thought I was going to have to figure out how to destroy the ship. Then possibly escape the ship. Maybe even fight the aliens on earth.

    Compare this to GTA:SA or even Unreal 1. Both of those I felt I got my monies worth. Not this time. Too short by 2/3's. I want the rest of my game.
  2. Human Head is a is C / C+ team that thinks they are an A /A+ team...and a bit of a disapointment. Did you know that they had started working on this over four years ago?


    PS - At your leisure, look at the main character in prey (Tommy) and look at the main character in Dead Man's Hand (Tejon) that was released 3 years prior. Both titles were released by the same development studio, yet for different publishers.
  3. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    It is pretty funny to read the fanboi's on 3Drealms forums. Lot of people have the same opinion. Good, way to short for the cash.

    I'll tell you this. No way I am buying Duke Nukem on at the full retail price.
  4. yeah everybody pretty much has the same issue about the game's length. However, the enfing does seem to hint that there will be a sequel or an expansion, or both...
  5. thats the exact reason why i down load games :)
  6. I agree it was a bit short, but for what it was, I liked it. The twists in physics you encounter throughout the game are awesome. The "after death" mini-game is an interesting concept and worked well with the game, even though it made it really easy.

    I bet that part where you are supposed to take "tests" in the spirit world right before the aliens invaded it is where the game devs decided it was time to hurry it up.

    I agree it isn't on par with Doom 3 or Quake 4, but it was a pioneer in the ways you could manipulate physics in game to solve puzzles and whatnot.
    Last edited: 27 Jul 2006

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