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Company of Heroes Beta Play (Vid)

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Manitou, 29 Jul 2006.

  1. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    9 meg file of a pretty hectic battle Black, Hamma, and myself were in for a hilltop victory point.

    The game is graphically stunning and it is a lot of fun. We were fighting three AI (easy computer setting), but that is a misnomer because the AI is tough. He had made a big mixed armor/infantry push on the hill and caught us napping. He almost overran the position, but som well placed 57mm AT guns held the line along with some paratroopers and a veteran tank Black sent in.

    It was fun...

    CoH Vid
    Last edited: 29 Jul 2006
  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    The game is just pure awesome :D
  3. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    Sweet video! Hamma use your magical ways to get the rest of us into beta!!!
  4. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    So is it just me or can you not just play a game online against the AI by yourself?

    It keeps telling me I need a remote player for the game to start, even though I made the Axis the AI, or closed the slot, put a password on the server, etc..

    Seems a bit off to me, I just wanted to try the game once before being pounded by someone else online.. I guess they're saving versatility for the full release?

    Awesome video too btw.. the whole things feels claustrophobic, like you're really under seige..
    Last edited: 29 Jul 2006
  5. too bad i don't subscribe to fp :(
    sweet vid....if u wanna make more i won't complain
    Last edited: 29 Jul 2006
  6. Seriously one of the most fun RTS games I've played
  7. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I will make some more soon. Me and Asp got wiped by two AI opponents, so we scaled it back to one and beat it after a brutal fight. We had some sweet artillery barrages dropped on it. There was also some nasty street fighting with AT guns and armored cars and STUgs as well. House to house can be rough.

    We ended up winning a pyrrhic victory though, with us taking more losses than kills.

    Loads of fun...
  8. I was still in shock by the 20+ tanks the opponent AI had when it was hamma, mani, and myself. We were crapping our pants until bombers and artillery helped take a few out.
  9. registered (ugh) and installed. Looks to be some fun. Definetly a lot like Dawn of War but made with even more action and awsome gameplay :D

    I'll be lookin for some action w/ yall soon!
  10. What is the release date for CoH(I guess that acromyn doesnt work huh)?
  11. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    September sometime I think
  12. :eek: :drools:

    Thanks Mani!
  13. Kaikou has a fantastic fraps of a game we played last night... just gotta wait for him to post it..
  14. where's that second vid you promised, that's what I want to know :(
  15. Whoa... and Sept is another month! ARGH! :lol:

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