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Company of Heroes

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Arglaar, 21 Jul 2006.

  1. I downloaded it and it took forever to load up, and when it did, it was real choppy and slow. The only system spec I missed on was the 1GB of memory... I have 768MB
  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Tweak the settings down a bit, it is pretty intensive. Also do you have dual monitors? That caused a problem for me.

    The game loads slow no matter what, but the choppiness for me disappeared.
  3. yeah the game loads *REAL* slowly for me, but then it runs great.
  4. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    For those playing they have released an update on fileplanet.

    Apparently there were to many changes (there were a ton, check the beta forums) for them to do a patch so you have to re-download the file.

    Edit: It looks like they might have added AI
    Last edited: 27 Jul 2006
  5. OMG if they did that, I'd download it three times.
  6. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

  7. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    oooOh they may added 2 new maps
    Last edited: 27 Jul 2006
  8. cool it's working now
    who wants to own up on me?
  9. it still runs pretty well for me with 3 players and 3 comps (I didn't control the AI), but we couldn't find out where the last computer unit was or something -- we couldn't reach total annihilation against them. Perhaps it's a bug, perhaps there was some sniper about.
  10. Well I've d/l this game. It's pretty fun, but I've never been very good at micro-management RTS games. I sucked at StarCraft, haha.

    When I get home I'll have to hop in a game with you guys.
  11. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    As promised, another video. This one is a little bigger, and has me and Asp finishing off the enemy. You can hear the soldiers yelling epithets at the enemy - pretty realistic.

    Asp and Manitou
  12. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    Cool video....

    My video overlay settings were all out of whack, couldn't see it at first.
    Last edited: 30 Jul 2006
  13. Made me sick there at the end with all the rotating
  14. sweet - Thnx Mani
  15. Alright, this game looks fun. I'm gonna give it a try. Someone come play with me!
  16. Is this only for paying fileplanet members?
  17. yup atm
  18. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Nice shot of the bombing run there Mani.

    How do you make a video of just a portion of the game?

    I thought you might be interested in part of last night's game, where your position next to the victory point got overrun. You'd see what I saw when I was mortaring your troops.. Indirect fire is great, but a lot of the time I couldn't even see where your troops were, I just had them hammer a particular area. I know you found it frustrating, but it wasn't nearly as organized and intentional as you may have first thought.. :)

    Your counter mortar barrage was effective too forcing my mortar team back some.. I think I may try a game with focus on artillery and mutliple squad mortar teams. Lots of indirect fire. Arty, howitzers and mortars, the CoH holy trinity :p

    We need more movies of your "custer-esque" last stands on Hill 331 :p
  19. I need some major training with this game. I always get caught up in the battle on the field, and by the end of the game when the enemy crushes me, I havn't even built a tank depot, I have hardly any troops, and enemies laugh at my lack of construction of anything. Yet.. I'm ALWAYS OUT OF MUNITIONS!

    Anyone willing to go in-game with me tonight for some major schoolin'?
    (My problem is that I'm not good at micromanaging.)
  20. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I'm not great with it either Strygun.. For me I wanted to play against the CPU by myself to get an idea of how the AI tactics were, and to see how the build order goes etc..

    Then you see, for example, that Hill 331 gets taken immediately. Its the most vulnerable, so you have to figure out how to build to take and hold it, while pushing on one of the other objectives. Watching Mani's formations and troop choices was integral in my thoughts on holding that part of the map.

    So you figure out what you'll need ahead of time and develop a build schedule for it, allowing for changes on the battlefield.

    I've learned that when I do airborne I'll focus more on the troops and keeping them upgraded to deal with armour properly. So to take Hill 331 and hold it, I'll develop machine gun teams, infantry, and anti-tank guns (2 buildings). Upgrade everyone, put the infantry in cover up front, the machine guns and anti-tank in the rear higher up on the hill. Develop Paratroops and drop AT guns to quickly reinforce. THEN I move to build, some of the specialty units and buildings.

    Once you get the feel for the units and what they can do (I'm still figuring it out myself), you'll get a better grip on what you want to do to suit your playing style. I usually make sure things are stable at my front, then jump back to my base to make a building and produce more units.

    In terms of tips, I'd say, like any RTS, CTRL-# your selected unit(s) groups them together so all you have to do is hit that number to select them, hit the number twice and the screen centers over the unit. Quick way to view your troops status. Quick way to get multiple units doing the same thing at once *cough*Hammahowitzerbarrage*cough*

    That and initially, if you play with someone, just pick one front, don't get spread out. Reinforce and deal with that area only until you feel strong enough to push into more areas. It gives you the option of only having to deal with one area, so you can stay focussed. Depending on your specialty you can also better use your resources (arty, airdrop) to aid your allied player if things are quiet in your end. Gives you a stronger position to push out from too. Reinforce, advance, reinforce, advance. Rinse wash repeat.

    Capture buildings as you go too, then you can produce troops from forward bases rather than running them up from your back base. Rally points regardless of where you produce the units from are good to. Put a rally point at your front line and your troops from that building automatically run to the front. If your lines are secure, you wont have to worry about your troops getting killed enroute; like me last night :eek:

    It can be overwhelming at first, but if you keep your area simplified you can control the surroundings more.

    As for munitions, keep and eye on your munitions score and how often you use special abilities and upgrades to vehicles, as they often use that resource. Try building more basic units (infantry, AT guns, etc) as they usually just take manpower and time.
    Last edited: 31 Jul 2006

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