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Planet Warhammer

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 1 Aug 2006.

  1. I've been talking to Gamespy about this for a couple of days now, and are in the process of creating a skin if they are willing. Basically, this site will do what others have failed to in the past: create a definitive hub for all Warhammer/WH40K news, games and mods.

    My simplest question is, if I did it, who would simply visit it and who would want to help out?
  2. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    Although, I am not sure if my talents will be helpful for your task, I would definitely love to try and help out!
  3. i'll help make the hit counter go up
  4. To start with all we'll really need is people who can find news, and someone who has one/some of the games and is willing to do walkthroughs.

    I don't want to try and do anything more difficult until the site has been running for a while
  5. Oakfist

    Oakfist DragonWolf

    I dont know how you feel about the novels spawned from Fantasy and 40k, But I can do reviews of the books (I have read most), and update the literature portion as new ones come out.

    This is if the sight would not be totally dedicated to just computer gaming, but Warhammer as a whole.

    Along with books, their is the White Dwarf magazine, so articles from that pertaining to the Warhammer world could be posted on the sight also.
  6. Can I be a forum moderator? :p
  7. I have played the Warhammer 40K game and the expansion for computer and would be willing to help out with a walkthrough. That is the limit of my understanding of the Warhammer universe.
    Last edited: 2 Aug 2006
  8. I don't know what their take is on novels, because that may be reserved for their IGN Comics site. As soon as they reply to my enquiry, though, I'll ask them about it.

    However, a staff-review of each game might be a good idea.

    Of course you can! Most staff for "Planet" sites are unless they opt out of it.

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    If you need help hynch gimme a holler.
  10. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Wait. Who are you?
  11. :)
    Last edited: 4 Aug 2006
  12. ORANGE

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    I miss you too sent.
    Work kinda prevents me from gaming too seriously lately, don't mind my x-fire stats most of that is my gf on my comp.

    But I did get a new job at NEC doing customer support....but thats another story.
  13. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I'm just glad you didn't fall of the face of the internet. And we all know who the face of the internet is

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