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Titan Quest

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Daleon, 13 Jul 2006.

  1. Surprised I haven't seen a post yet up about this. Its been well received and reviewed for last few weeks. I'd been looking for a copy everywhere locally as I hate ordering a game thats out online and waiting for it. But for some reason there is not a copy to be found anywhere, geez lousy distribution.

    So I "came" by a copy to try it out and see if its still worth trying to find. And so far its pretty nice. Its defintely a straight up Diablo clone, but its been years since theres been a Diablo game or a clone so theres nothing wrong with that. Just enough changes in the system and improvements over ease of play to make it a very light and enjoyable hack and slash. So if you got a few days with little to do and want something that will suck you in for just that much and liked the Diablos check it out.
  2. I bought it when it was released, stores in my area had plenty of copies. I'm replaying on Epic difficulty right now.
  3. I crash every 15 minutes, even after the patch, hooray!
  4. Oakfist

    Oakfist DragonWolf

    I beat the demo, now decided if I want to purchase the game or not. Its a perfect Diablo clone, but I dont know if it would hold my attention for too long to purchase.

    Anyone far along that can say if the loot gets really badass, or if the monsters take strategy to beat, and how does it look farther along?
  5. How legit is your copy? :p
  6. I have yet to see the copy protection that can stop meeee!

    I really only had 1 crash since the patch anyway. :D
  7. my son requested I get it for him, now, its a race to see who can level more. We play coop some too. The game so far is a very nice diversion for me, ok, im addicted. The boss monsters can take some strategy to kill. I like the class make ups. Right now, I have an Earth master and Nature mastery build, level 18. Its a lot of fun really. Im saving some epic blue gear for a warrior build in the future. :)
  8. Heh it is addicting once your into the game and playing. Leveling is a little long for my tastes. I'm at 13 and seems to take some nice long hours of hack and hack some more to level. I'd like to start some other characters up as I'm not sure if the build I picked is all that great.

    So far I'm warrior/pyro. Dual wielding, berzerking, fire weapons, etc. Dishes out the damage but eats it bad to. Thinking maybe should have gone War/Necro.
  9. pyro is nice if you go high enough for a good rock/fire elemental. Level him up and he can take quite a bit of damage while you range attack. With the nature I can get a 2nd and 3rd pet too. It all helps.
  10. I went Defender/Warrior, the damage mitigation is great for wading into a group of creatures, and the 3 target shield bash totally destroys things. I keep finding great shields to use too.
  11. how far along are u guys?
    Last edited: 7 Aug 2006
  12. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    we're mixed around few noobs here ....few highbees there the works :p
  13. is this set up like bnet was ??? or similar for finding people to play with?

    just curious, are you able to play with others or just alone???
  14. There is a online browser of games being hosted, but when I was playing with my "hax0red" version, we we're all using a VPN client to connect to each other.
  15. 'when' being currently or previously? ;)

    i myself just got a similar 'version' to try out
  16. if I hadn't had to buy a new HDD it would be currently, I'm not going to bother downloading it again.

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