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Dark Messiah MP Beta

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Daleon, 15 Jun 2006.

  1. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    That looks good! I mean.../drool good.
  2. bad arse

    ok this just looks sweet in everyway. the videos are bad arse
    Last edited: 15 Jun 2006
  3. Where what? I signed up for it a while back. Got it installed via steam but can't do anything with it yet. The master server is not up and can't seem to make my own server. So no idea what the game even looks like yet, ahhh. Can't seem to get into the beta forums either. Ubi's freaking account system is so big and convulted its annoying.
  4. I wish I would have known about the sign up :(
  5. I wish I would have known as well. hmmmm ok how about you hold daleon down i'll take hack the pc and get his info.

    You keep holding him down while I play :rolleyes:
  6. Ha, I'm just suprised I got into a closed beta. I usually don't get picked until the end of them when they do stress testing. Hopefully be able to play it a little soon if they get servers up.
  7. They got a few servers up last night. Combat is a little out of control. For the knight and assasin class combat is up close and crazy hack and slash. The ranger and casters can be hard to aim but do lots of damage. It appears you level up on a map and can increase your powers but all goes away after map change. Its all early beta and still have some stuff to figure out. Had the most fun with the assasin class when I could actually sneak up on people and get a backstab off.
  8. looks like the single player demo just hit fileplanet.
  9. yay.. now that i subscribed to FP for CoH I guess I'll try it out :D
  10. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    D/L now
  11. Oh yeah, Valve do like to shove their constant "you cannot use a Source-title without a constant link to our Steam service" party line down our throats, to their advantage :)
  12. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I like it. The SP version is awesome. I've decapitated about 4 orc heads. I know it flies in the tradition of my Hordish sensabilities, but SOME orcs even on the Horde need slaying every now and then.

  13. thats it my hunter and shaman are hiding from you if u keep up this display of picking on orcs.
  14. it will take some getting used to but the combat system is sweet. It feels a lot like Oblivion except this is designed with multiplayer in mind. It still has some adventure elements but its mainly combat oriented with the neat traps that you can used to your advantage.. much like the ones in hl2. I don't really think the bots in the sp demo were really all that impressive (actually downright retarded) but it is just a demo so who knows. I would definetly like to try this game out in multi player and see how that goes.

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