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BF2142, for those interested, with FP subs..

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Asp, 17 Aug 2006.

  1. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

  2. Oakfist

    Oakfist DragonWolf

    Well dang, I guess this will finally be a reason to become a FP subscriber.
  3. There was actually a beta client available for download, for about 15 minutes, and I managed to grab it, but I don't have a key...and if I try to hack around it, it asks for a CD-Key. If I only knew how to remove the cd-check /cry
  4. Oakfist

    Oakfist DragonWolf

    Since its a multiplayer game I would think its near impossible to remove the CD key authorization. BUT, if their is a way these guys have found it, check the forums at http://isohunt.com and put a search in under BF2142 see what happens.

    Just a suggestion.
  5. meh, the actual beta download and keys are available so I just deleted the old one.
  6. Oakfist

    Oakfist DragonWolf

    OO, So is it a limited beta or what, if it isnt, I guess ill subscribe to FP.
  7. Dyganth got lucky and got into beta today. The rest of us will have to wait until next week when they open more slots up.
  8. Em Effer.......

  9. Yeah I've applied for it. Whether or not it will be any good, though, is something I'll have to wait for...
  10. Bleh, stupid Fileplanet
    Last edited: 17 Aug 2006
  11. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I take it if you didn't get an acceptance letter though (waiting for slots to open) you're even further back on the list? Or did it take a while to get that email Arg?
  12. that wasnt an acceptance email that arg got. It was simply a message after he finished the application in the browser. You probably got the same message and missed it like I did. So don't fret... I hear its next week when we they will add more
  13. Now this is an acceptance letter :D

  14. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Got it as well...
  15. yup i'm in and playing its pretty cool
  16. hyc you freaking rock bro that was bad arse.

    I see the sniper at advanced levels gets something that makes them invis. and maybe the end gets those turrents that deploy....oh i really can't wait for this to come out.

    I ordered mine today from eb, came with a free set of dogtags that are usb memory 64meg. and a free rank up.
  17. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Saw that on the weekend, that movie rocks..

    There's only 4 classes in 2142, unlike 7 in BF2.

    The recon class melds spec ops and the sniper together, and they eventually get the active camo, and all that.

    Assault and medic are combined, though medic wont be the health pack spam machine it was in BF2.

    Engineer and anti tank sort of get a merger. So the Engineer will be able to fix things, blow up tanks, and is the one who deploys the sentry guns.

    Support pretty much stays the same as it is now, but they've got the long range suppressive fire of the machine gun, ammo pack, and can even get the nasty close quarter shotgun unlocks.

    Interesting stuff.. Your "class" wont be preset for you, you'll pick a particular category and model your role yourself. I like it.
  18. Screw it i ordered too

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