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State of the EVE union address..

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Asp, 12 Jul 2006.

  1. I was actually with BoB as opposed to ASCN. So I'm looking forward to how this shakes things up.

    Apparently ASCN have brought the Titan out to engage BoB ... The first hostile Doomsday device was fired...thread here

    As for the cost of setting up dummy operations for a Titan...i agree

    Exciting times! I want to see some FRAPS footage of this thing in action!
    Last edited: 3 Oct 2006
  2. well...i tried to post here...but i can't see my own post even though the boards say its here...anyway...looking to get back in soon...will be hitting the road for a trip from TX to WA - Ft. Lewis. After my return from that I'll be looking at spending a bit of time in EVE.

    oh...i was actually with BoB - not that it matters...
  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    You cant see your posts? :confused: Odd I will check into that.

    Hasn't ASCN had alot of firsts?
  4. well in one week i will be in my crow interceptor, and life as a pirate begins. If any CDL members are in any pirate guilds i would love to fly with you guys and learn how to pirate effectively....for the first weeks i will be mainly a tackler and as i develop more skills and become more deadly i will start soloing easy targets ;-) My corp is a macro hunting corp, as well as miners, and protection so we really do it all and we have some members that would help with wars if anyone is in one.
  5. well...my first post is now visible to me...so i guess it either fixed itself or u worked your magic - if so thnx :)
  6. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    What corp are you in Draconis? I have to confess I've never had the balls to lose enough ships to try being a pirate.. So my pvp experience is pretty limited.. I've probably lost more ships than I've destroyed :p

    Though I've gotta admit, when I started EVE, pirating is what I always wanted to do.
  7. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    After we got bitchslapped that time hunting for NPC's I wanted to whip every pirate's ass. :lol:
  8. could definately run a "bait & gank" to catch those dirty pirates ;)
  9. I am in TeS...cant remember the name and dont have eve on this comp....we have about 35 members and its a RL friend who runs it. But once i get in my ceptor i'll be able to tackle almost anyone orbiting at about 18km flying at 4000 km/s untill one of my corp members gets his BS into range...haha its going to be great. He's played for over a year so he isnt a newb in his bs either.
  10. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I've slowly wanted to move towards an interdictor, so I guess I could have some fun with interceptors on the way up.. Its a bit of a skill hill climb for me though.. :)

    I like to stay at 150km, and pound away with precision cruise missiles now.. Of course the downside being, you can run :p

    Have to look into a crow :)

    If it makes you feel any better Hamma, I've still got that bitch on my "people to kill in EVE list" taped to the side of my monitor.. That and most of the SNIGG guys.. :lol:
  11. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Not to bump an old thread but..

    I got an email today from CCP to reactivate my account - with a 7 day trial included :lol:
  12. Got it to, hmm... might have to reinstall it just to see how good it looks on the new screen.


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