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Copyright gone mad or the Lawyers are Greedy??????

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by KickedOut, 11 Oct 2006.

  1. If this passess I garuntee you there will be a chaotic dash of people scrambling to get recepies into the patent office first...

  2. so how does something like that affect the average joe??? say we cook something and someone reports us for making something htey had in a restraunt that we have never been to, but has a patent on it ??? and now we are sued ?? because we had the same creativity that some fancy chef had when trying to make a family meal????

    people are so stupid, i swear.. money money money..... its all about greed and lawsuits anymore.
  3. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    Supreme court has already ruled you can't copyright recipes. Even if they get it added it will get struck down again.

    The gist of it was the same as why you can't copyright the wheel or water.

    A recipe isn't considered copyright material because it isn't anything but a list of instructions.

    I guess that is really what it comes down to, defending the copyright. Hell, Compaq couldn't even defend the clamshell lid in the 1980's.
  4. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say that this is possible.

    Bear with me here, as this is kinda different from the copyright, but has to do with law making.

    George Carlin (I know, Mr Vulgar Funny Man) made a very good arguement about a law. The law was about (egad!!) Prostitution.

    He says "Why is it illegal to sell something that is perfectly legal to give away?"

    And his question is rather valid. Is there anything else in our society that is illegal to sell, yet legal to give away? I can't think of anything.

    He goes on to a bit of detail. And I will keep it clean.."Sex is legal, selling is legal....why is selling sex illegal?" Two rights make a wrong? Never knew that, but why in this case?

    I know, some will say they are forced into it. But for those who aren't, and there are a lot who aren't, they are just saleswomen with a nice product, why should they be made criminals?

    So if something is perfectly legal to give away but is illegal to sell, then why would a copyright on a food product really even be a surprise?

    We allow these types of laws because noone stands up and says "Wait a minute". And what would really be accomplished by standing up anyway? Lawmakers don't listen to us, they listen to their fellow lawmakers and husbands/wives.

    We saw that with the labels on music albums. What good did that do? If it had a Parental Advisory, that was the album/cd to get!!! If you were a band, you WANT that label!!

    And so it goes...laws to make someone other than the normal people to make money for. A Food Copyright is all about some lawyer suing over a soup or bread recipe. Which makes sense, that will make more jobs for government, as we will need food group copyright lawsuit judges. I like cheese...maybe I can get into the Cheese Copyright Protection Agency.

    Then I could sue the people who make this law for infringing on the Completely Cheesey Lawsuit Copyright.

    Damn I'm good. And so is Cheese. Behold it's Power.

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