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Space Empires: V

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Aeternus, 21 May 2006.

  1. http://files.filefront.com/Space+Empires+V+Premiere+Trailer/;3990468;;/fileinfo.html

    For those of you who are enjoying Ogame, you should check out SE:V which is supposedly coming out in June, although no specific date is set. It will probably be delayed again (feb was previous release), but this will be far and away the greatest space 4x game in existence. Nearly unlimited reasearch options (from my understanding, each specific tech can be researched 100x for increased bonuses, i.e. miniaturization, damage, rof, etc.), unsurpassed management and depth, as well as their new 3D space combat graphics should make this a great sequel. It will also feature a full tactical land combat system for ground assaults - i believe a first for the genre.

    For those who've never heard of space empires, it has long been recognized as the space strategy game that has offered the most detail, depth, and customizability of its genre, having lacked only in its graphics - which are getting a face lift with this interation.

    sry...couldn't find a google video for you...
    Last edited: 21 May 2006
  2. Official website HERE and additional information can be found HERE as well.

  3. yeah...guess i should've posted some other links...
  4. Homeworld 1 and 2 were really nice graphics and gameplay as well, Jouster and a few of us played that alot pre-wow
  5. homeworld was great fun..didn't ever pick up 2 because it seemed everyone was disappointed with it...

    but SE:V is a lot different being as its turn based; SE vs. MOO is the closest comparison
  6. SE: V has been postponed until August.
  7. Release date further delayed until 'Winter 2006'
  8. When you stated it was postponed until August, I preusmed it was Marketing ploy - but this tells me there are "issues" that need to be resolved.

  9. very possible. they are adding new features to this iteration, which could be a cause of the delay

    it may also be that their acquistion by SFI has caused the delays for other reasons... who knows....i believe that they are looking at applying anti-piracy software to the app, which is a first, and there might be some issues with regards to that

    :gayzer: if that's the case...

    the original creator is still leading the development of the game, but who knows what SFI might have done with his team. hopefully they won't bork it all up...that would be tragic imo
  10. apparently there is just one programmer - Aaron Hall the creator of the series... no development team for the most part...and he's gone on vacation - so that may have something to do with it :)

    semi-recent pics here

    updated features list here
    Last edited: 27 Jun 2006
  11. Ok...the publisher has been listing Sept. 12th as the release date for the past couple weeks i believe. So *crosses fingers* we'll see. As for their previous push of the release date to Winter 2006, game designer said it was just so they wouldn't have to keep pushing the date back.
  12. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    I still play it! I found a mod that gives it more of a pitched battle feel... It's called Point Defense System. I pref v6.0
    My 'demo' video I use this one to hook people on the mod ;)
    "Relax and Die" My latest, I just wanted to listen to a good tune, so I tossed some video in with it.

    It'll be good to have another Space Empires though. I was t3h super sux at it, but it was still fun
    Last edited: 20 Aug 2006
  13. Last edited: 17 Oct 2006

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