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Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 18 May 2005.

  1. While more is often-times better, the 64 man servers are not necessarilly the most enjoyable. That said, 12 on 12 is pretty small and i'm quite suprised that they would have such a small team setup. 32 man maps would be a minimum imo, and i find that size often makes for a very enjoyable game.
  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    So size does matter :brow:
  3. I am a bit less excited about the game then I was when I first heard about it. For some reason I thought it was going to be more like double the players of battlefield, not half. I watched some of the new videos and the gameplay just seems so much like battlefield. I think id prefer to play the new battlefield over this. I guess we shall see.
  4. it could always be that the event at QuakeCon was a small preview to the gameplay they are doing for the game.

    ETQW is supposed to be an MMO, so there must be a considerably larger amount of players planned for each team when the game will be ready.
  5. also...on RTCW:ET, servers can host up to 64 peeps...so QW may also be able to do the same...but maybe not ;)

  6. Since when?
  7. ... ET:QW is just like ET:RTCW, except with Quake theme and new engine. Aka, kit system, not a MMO. And... Their estimate is summer 2007. >.>

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