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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Sentrosi, 8 Nov 2005.

  1. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Damn. The game looks <Borat Voice> Very Niiiiceeeeee </Borat Voice>

    I'm getting excited again....
  2. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

    Uh-oh, better secure the furniture and hide the children.
  3. I don't see how they can say UT and tribes were a like TRIBES ISN"T A TWITCH GAME. Tribes actually took skill UT you just shoot and hopefully you hit something. I cannot stand twitch games. I want a PS type game with Tribes added in. The fact that i want skill to rule over equipment. I miss tribes....

  4. umm...what FPS game don't you point and shoot in? just because UT is fast paced does not remove the skill factor...it just makes it harder to hit things...it takes more skill: better eye hand coordination; sharper reflexes; better anticipation

    not that i'm dissing TRibes or PS...objective based games > deathmatch
  5. to me a twitch game is something that you have to be super quick in order to kill anything to jsut randomly point and shoot, and in my experiences with UT, it was just that, I pointed and shot and hopefully i hit something, with tribes it seemed more that i could aim and take my time to kill someone, and as long as i could avoid their shots then i was in good shape, in UT i never got a chance like someone once said you only have 1 shot per fight, sometimes 2. if you don't get them in those two shots your dead.
    Even in deathmatch in tribes it was fast paced, but still you had time to react to the other person.
  6. tribes open spaces allowed you to lead shots based on the person direction in the air. Tribes was a game of pure skill, hell the air shots were very hard.

    In arena = death match was very fast paced game that required even more skill to avoid everyone go after everyone. There has been no game like tribes since and that makes me sad
  7. y'know this is why when I do my own game I will probably base the gameplay-element on Gears of War...

    I'm getting sick tired of every single multiplayer game ever made being compared to Tribes
  8. Everyone here compare FPSs to Tribes because everyone here used to play Tribes. A lot.
  9. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    They definitely got it right when they made Tribes...and now they've ruined every single one of us forever because of it.

  10. tribes is like your first love, you never forget it and you compair everything aftet that to it.
  11. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Pretty Much.

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