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Stargate Worlds

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 22 Nov 2006.

  1. I actually announced this in another thread, but Stargate Worlds is basically an MMOFPS set in the current timelines of SG1 Seasons 9 and 10. In the beginning, the idea was that players were part of SG-teams that went through the gate to trade, explore and fight the Goa'uld, Ori, Replicators or other enemies... though it seems we may get to play other factions as well.

    Oh BTW, this is why using UE2.5 was a mistake when they announced Stargate Alliance:


    Have fun!
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Hmmm, it looks like fun. I'm just wondering how the 'teams' will fit in. Will it consist of only 4 man teams or will it be more like PS with outfits designated?

    Unreal3 engine? I thought that engine was not very "outdoor expansive". I could be wrong here though. Perhaps I'm thinking of the Doom3 engine....
  3. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

    This could be very cool.
  4. yeah you were thinking of Doom. UE3's levels are massive and can also be grouped together to be modular when combining their polygon-counts.

    A lot of the game's details can be found in various articles on its website:

  5. i am cautiously anticipatory

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