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Rainbow Six Vegas

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by ShadowSpawn, 29 Nov 2006.

  1. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I've got it for the 360, and its pretty fun.. Always loved Ravenshield till Noobi-soft ballsed it up..
  2. i really gotta start playin fps again i miss them and this looks great.
  3. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Ya, there's a couple missions which have areas that are absolutely crazy.. Really frantic fire fights that you barely get through with 2 people online co-op.. Tweak it up to really hard level and playing with a couple more people would be amazing..

    Dunno if its coming out for the PC though if that's what everyone's thinking.. They went heavily towards the console right after Ravenshield. Their track record working with the PC community is pretty lousy..
  4. It's coming out for the PC around mid December.
  5. I've got it for the Xbox 360, it's pretty good stuff.
  6. from what i have heard release date is Dec 13th not 100%. But I am def getting the game when i come home from school. I was very disappointed with lockdown but this looks like promising.
  7. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    Looks like it was just released on direct2drive for pc
  8. Downloaded...and unzipping now!:rawr:
  9. Pretty fun game. Graphics will beat your computer to crap if it's even mildly out of date. With a 3.2 GHz processor, 2 gigs ram, and a GeForce 6800 GT I can barely play it at 800x600 and most options turned off/low. Other than that it's pretty fun. There's a pretty big learning curve involved and it is very punishing to those who don't know the art of firing from cover. Multiplayer Co-Op is really fun, and though we are pretty casual about tactics while playing, you can really get into tactics such as two fire teams of two people each go separate ways to clear side rooms and both teams meet up in a larger center room from different sides providing a quick victory against the flanked terrorists. Coupled with some colorful and funny comments shouted by the terrorists during firefights such as one terrorist saying "Cover me!" followed by his partner saying "F*** you man cover ME!" it makes for a pretty fun gaming experience.

    I just can't wait to upgrade my graphics card so I can experience a prettier game.
  10. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    It sounds like a good game. But if Kai is having problems running it at 800x600 with a 6800GT, then I'll have to pass on this game until I upgrade my graphics card. I like knowing that there is a co-op mode where you can lead 3 others into two fireteams. Team play is always the best way.
  11. Yea. That's pretty crappy seeing as I just upgraded a year ago. They have a checklist of minimum and required components.

    I met all the required except one and that was the processor. (2.2 GHz I believe)

    When booting up the logo sends my 'puter into a pixel stuttering nightmare. First indicator I was in trouble.

    I started up the singleplayer mode and everything seemed fine. I propelled down a helicopter line and landed in a street...the sky was black...not like black as in night but in black as in "there are no graphics here". I escaped out and put my settings on low. I crashed out of the game. Jumped back in. Set my settings low, everything looked good, I was moving shooting...and the game locked up.

    I rebooted the computer with fingers crossed.

    Jumped in multiplayer and I was a victim of the crash to desk top until I read a forum that gave some insight in "narrowing down the details". Finally got to a multiplayer game and the sky was black again. Narrowed down the details and jumped back in. Played 1 game and I didn't get shot or kill anything. Then I went to bed.

    For that rough start the game looks cool, I will have to learn how to actually play smart instead of running and gunning.

    I'm thinking I might upgrade my processor. If I am running into issues now, I will definitely be having problems with Huxley and Quake Wars.

    Any suggestions on a processor upgrade? Can I get up to the 3+ range with my current set-up?

    Current set-up:


    1 MB ASUS A8N-SLI NF4SLI 939 - Retail

    Video Card
    1 VGA XFX|7800GT 256M PVT70GUDE7 - Retail

    1 CPU AMD 64 |3700+ ATHLON 64 939P RT - Retail

    1 MEM 1Gx2|CORSAIR Twinx2048-3200c2 R - Retail

    Hard Drive
    1 HD 250GB|WD 7200 WD2500JS SATA2% - OEM
    Item #: N82E16822144417 Price $103.00

    These are the recommended system specs:
    Rainbow Six Recommended requirements:
    PC hardware recommended requirements ========================

    Supported OS : Windows XP (only)
    Processor : 3500 MHz Pentium IV/AMD or better
    RAM : 1GB RAM
    Video Card : 256MB DirectX9-compliant video card (see supported list*)
    Sound Card : DirectX 9.0-compliant sound card
    DVD : 4x DVD-ROM or faster
    Hard Drive Space : 10.0 GB

    * Supported Video Cards at Time of Release

    ATI RADEON X1600/X1800/X1900

    NVIDIA GeForce 6600GT/6800/7300/7600/7800/7900
    Last edited: 19 Dec 2006
  12. To get a real noticable CPU speed increase you would have to get a FX-57 2.8ghz and those are going for $320 right now. Stuff in the 4400-4800 range would be a small help but not alot.

    Since it mostly seems like its killing your video card, I'd say try to find a deal on another 7800GT and go SLi or go for something DX10. A 8800GTS or GTX will play it like butter. I'm waiting on the R600 myself.

    I wouldn't be to discouraged also, from OC Forums:

    ---Rainbow 6 Las Vegas---
    Guys call me crazy but I have an E6700 Conroe @ 4.22 GHz on phase change and a EVGA 7900GTX GPU.. Even at 1024 X 768 resolution this game is choppy and the framerate is terrible. At my monitors native res of 1600 X 1200, it feels like the old Pentium III-800mhz days again with AGP gpu's.....
    Last edited: 19 Dec 2006
  13. I'm running on my C2Duo 6300 OC'd to 2.1ghz and a 7900GS w/2GB mem at 1024x768 (It doesn't support 1280x1024).
    Everything set to Medium/High and the annoying "Special FX to make it look pretty on the XBOX" set to off, and it runs fine on my system.
    Last edited: 19 Dec 2006
  14. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    Very fun game...most fun i've had with a FPS in a long time. Vast array of weapons to choose from. Realism mode is the best to play it (die in about 2 shots or 1 :p) and you can make your own dude to which is pretty cool to.
  15. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    Does it feel as consoleish as the Lockdown port did?
  16. This is leaps and bounds faster than BD's though. Remember even the low end C2D's were performing at the highest end AMD FX's levels. You still need to crank that 2.1 up, it should be at 2.4-2.6 with no voltage increase and barely any temp increase all day.

    Plus the 7900GS is more equivilant to the 7800GTX, a good bit faster than the 7800GT.

    BD - Your MB's an excellent OC'er so if you got stock cooling invest $50 on a good cooler and crank it. If it fries you were probably gonna replace it anyway. :)
  17. Update:

    Slapped in a Geforce 8800 GTS and I can now run the game at 1024x768 with roughly 85% of the graphics at full (motion blur off/shadows medium) and it runs fine. Now I just need the 680i nforce chipset and a core 2 duo processor and I'll be set for the future titles.
  18. 1.02 patch is here. Downloading now.

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