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Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by ShadowSpawn, 15 Dec 2006.

  1. Well i went and saw the first show and though it could have been alot Darker i thought it was good. They really fif leave it of for the next one of the Trilogy.
  2. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I haven't seen the movie, but I have to say just looking at the promotional material, the person they casted as eragon didn't seem to fit the character in the book. He was too pretty and fair-haired. That's huge in setting the tone.

    We're going to see this movie on Sunday and I'm still hopeful about it since my daughter and I are huge fans of the book series.
  3. we have not seen it yet, although my daughter is waiting with baited breath to go and see it, she LOVES the books. And even wrote a research paper for school about the author :)

    i am supposed to of read the book before watching the movie and just have not had time so i hope that it stays true to the book. she is going to be very upset if its not :) but she also realizes that the books were written to be made into movies!!! :) that was his purpose behind writing the books, so i hope that they did a good job! cant wait to go and see it :)
  4. Well then i think your Kids should like it, i think it was'nt too Dark just because they wanted a Younger audience to like it too.
  5. I took the wife and 12 year old daughter to it last night. The daughter started trying to explain all of the parts of the book left out from the movie :) She found her books when we got home, so dad has some new reading to catch up on during the holidays. I thought the movie was okay, but the costumes of the some of the locals in Houston were great that were attending the show.
  6. they just built an eragon chopper on american chopper...

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