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Vanguard Beta Open

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Kaikou, 4 Jan 2007.

  1. So yeah, Arglaar brought it to my attention that Vanguard beta is now available to fileplanet subscribers. I know the general view of this game is that it provides nothing new or even remotely interesting and is using dated code to top it all off, but hey, may as well give it a try.

    6.45 gig download, better start now.
  2. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    It isn't sooooooooooooooo bad..... if you have the system to run it. I would definitely encourage all with access to give it a whirl. The monk is awesome btw.
  3. i kinda like it so far my necro just got a pet, its a mmorpg and a newb area i'll have to see how long i do.
  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    My FP account finally expired, so I have not the access any longer. I am holding off renewing it until I move.
  5. Ugh, So I signed up for file planet, and they are out of keys :mad: I should be getting one in the mail tomorrow though.
  6. I came home from lunch and got my key and started to download, still not done yet though! :O
  7. Nice of you to neglect mentioning ONLY US residents could play :mad:
  8. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    US and Canada that is!

    Why do they limit the regions? Is it due to some government policies of some sort? Or do they just get their kicks out of preventing Hyncharas from playing any games with us?
  9. Shat, I'm on the other side of the worrrrrrrrrrld.
  10. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    They're trying to tell Hynch something; come to the States!
  11. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    I think some of the reason you don't see global betas is there is no overseas publisher willing to take the reigns. In games with global beta's another party usually is in control.
  12. BE wornd its huge you will nead over 20g of hard drive space.it barly runs on my P 2.4.1g mem 256 vid card.its a slide show for me.now that hapins alot to me and ushaly the code gets beter at the wnd of beta and i can play. this is just a worning for thows whith lower end and over stufd comps.
  13. Bah, I'm in vacation mode.

    I'll be back by the 14th, but who knows if there will be anymore beta keys. :(
  14. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Started a Dark Elf Dread Knight.

    Names is Eanvae Bladeseer
  15. Most of us re-relloed on the pvp server, and the rest of the tons are on beta server 1. Made most of the tons i like to 6 so far and the mains are around 9ish, course only 3rd day playing lol.Shads, Shadley and Shadss type names and we are on TS so join us.
  16. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Cool. I'll reroll over there after the hotfix.
  17. Ever get the feeling they're making a strong case for Blu-Ray ;)
  18. Naw, they'll just release it on two or three DVDs. Or an HD dvd but probably not.

    It's alright, but I won't be buying it seeing as it's generic MMO #7. There are some cool aspects but nothing to claim revolutionizes the MMO world. It's pretty much a world of warcraft clone with better graphics and a bit less of a "cartoony" feel. (Please note that I use WoW as a reference, simply because pretty much everybody knows how it plays.) There are many races, but the only thing that will distinguish one from the other is their head and face. The modifications you can do to your characters are vast, but too subtle to really make your character look that much different.

    It stole the hobbit idea and called them "halflings". If you were to be playing a "halfling" in their starting area, anybody watching you play would think you were playing Lord of the Rings online. Even the houses look identical.

    The questing system is identical to that of WoW. The quest window itself steals WoW's design on an almost laughable level. The questing itself also remains generic with standard "kill 10 wolves, 6 frogs, 8 wisps, and right-click this object to obtain an item that must be returned to the quest giver after collecting 5 beaks from this kind of mob".

    The map is kinda funky and difficult to navigate, due to your character's "you are here" arrow being a shade or two less brown than the brown background and being about the size of one of the periods you see in this post, fully zoomed in.

    The diplomacy system is cool, but it can get old, and it really isn't as innovative as they claim. Think of it as a card game where each player gets 5 cards that have various costs that originate from 4 pools, inspiration, reason, emotion...and..one more that I can't remember. Each turn a player gets to use one card which will, depending on it's type (the four pools) use points you have generated in each specific pool to move the debate into your favor by a specified number on the corner of the card. (i.e there's a reason card that gives 5 debate...points? and it uses 4 reason points. Use it, and those four reason points are used up, and the debate is put 5 points in your favor). There is a bar on the side where the middle is 0 and each end is 10 indicating who is winning the debate. Keep the debate in your favor for x amount of turns and you win. Finally, when they say that you are molding the future of Telon through diplomacy, moving armies and whatnot, they don't mean literally. They mean through text, i.e. an NPC telling you you've influenced the future. You won't ever see the world actually change from your diplomatic actions, or any actions that I know of.

    So yeah, it's generic MMO 2.0 with graphics that will bring a computer without current hardware to its knees. The only thing I am particularly enjoying about the game is the graphics. Turning the clipping plane up to max and climbing a mountain to look down on the world around you can make for some awesome screenshots.

    As pretty as it is, it won't be the game to end WoW's reign.


    The views expressed in this post are purely of my own opinion.
  19. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I'm looking at Vanguard as a distraction until Huxley comes out. Sure I've got my eye on Quake Wars and I think that'll be a great game to play, but nothing gets me fired up more than going out onto the field of battle with my -CDL- brothers and sisters by my side. I hope that Huxley has definitive lines of accomplishment. What I mean by lines of accomplishment is something that Planetside was lacking; a sense of actually doing something that affects the game long-term.

    With Planetside we found ourselves fighting in the same continents unless we actually went ahead and organized something on a large scale. Even then we all went to bed only to find out the enemy took it back over and we would have to fight over it again.

    Vanguard, so far, is pretty fun. I'm liking the Raki monk I've rerolled on the PvP server. Nothing like a rabid kung-fu puppy to bring a smile to your face!
  20. I really hope Huxley is good too. Alas the videos I have seen of gameplay remind me of unreal tournament or quake. Not that those weren't good games, but it seems like a big MMO deathmatch with tactics such as bunny hopping and the like. I need to read more about it.

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