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Vanguard Beta Open

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Kaikou, 4 Jan 2007.

  1. Ya with Huxley.Quakewars and Tab Ras all a few months or more away i Preorded this as well ive made alot of the toons to lvl 10ish and seen pvp but not donr it myself yet. Its a MMORPG for sure quest this or grind theese but i like it so far. If it holds me over till the others come out cool. I also bought the collectors edition to give us guild bonus's and such so for a distraction ill hope those that play have fun and i spent the money for us. I'm sure not all will play but those that do ill see ya in game!
  2. Looks like the first performace patch went in and in chat alot of people say it helped them , i never had a prob so hard for me to tell.
  3. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Man, psionicists are WEAK!
  4. I thought they were ok but not as good as necro and sorcer, i really like rouge and rangers trying to figure out if ill be a blood mage or one of those 2 at release.
  5. I just purchased 3 months of Fileplanet again.

    Downloading from Fileplanet now...ticker currently at 6 hours.:eek:
    Last edited: 14 Jan 2007
  6. Pre-ordered the game, got my key and just waiting for the updates to load.:rawr:
  7. Okays...at first I was getting a client.exe error and Arg told me to update my directx 9.0c driver. I did that. Now when I hit "play" I get the Vanguard screen and then it flashes to what I am assuming is a load screen (it looks like a map with a yellow status bar at the bottom), it directly crashes me out of the game at this point. Here is my VGclient.log excerpts: Do you see anything wrong here?

    [01/14/07 23:57:34] INFO: ====================================================
    [01/14/07 23:57:34] INFO: Log opened.
    [01/14/07 23:57:34] INFO: Init: Name subsystem initialized
    [01/14/07 23:57:34] INFO: Init: Detected: Microsoft Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)
    [01/14/07 23:57:34] INFO: Init: Compiled: Jan 12 2007 20:18:37
    [01/14/07 23:57:34] INFO: Init: Threadsafe Core: No
    [01/14/07 23:57:34] INFO: Init: Base directory: C:\Program Files\Sony\Vanguard\bin\
    [01/14/07 23:57:34] INFO: Init: Character set: Unicode
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: DevLoad: Bound to IpDrv.dll
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: DevLoad: Bound to Engine.dll
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: DevLoad: Bound to Core.dll
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: DevLoad: Bound to SGOUnrealAbstractionLayer.dll
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: DevLoad: Bound to Window.dll
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: Init: Object subsystem initialized
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: Init: Computer: GUS
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: Init: User: GusW
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=1
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: Init: CPU Detected: AuthenticAMD
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: Init: CPU Features: MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3
    [01/14/07 23:57:37] INFO: Init: CPU Speed=2213.613490 MHz
    [01/14/07 23:57:37] INFO: Init: Memory total: Phys=2096624K Pagef=4139624K Virt=2097024K
    [01/14/07 23:57:37] INFO: Init: Working set: 32000 / 159000
    [01/14/07 23:57:37] INFO: Init: Process Info: Peak Memory Used: 18816 Working Set: 18816 PageFile: 19392
    [01/14/07 23:57:37] INFO: Init: Added all subdirectories and cached all files in 0.012000 seconds
    [01/14/07 23:57:37] INFO: Init: Loaded archive ..\Assets\Archives\binaryprefabs.sgo containing 17568 files
    [01/14/07 23:57:37] INFO: Init: Loaded archive ..\Assets\Archives\binshaders.sgo containing 64 files
    [01/14/07 23:57:37] INFO: Init: Loaded archive ..\Assets\Archives\textdata.sgo containing 36 files
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: Unreal engine initialized
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: Client initialized
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: Direct3D adapters detected:
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT (nv4_disp.dll)
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: Video memory on board: 244
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: AGP support detected
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: PixelShaderVersion=3.0
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: VertexShaderVersion=3.0
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: MaxTextureBlendStages=8
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: MaxSimultaneousTextures=8
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: MaxActiveLights=8
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: MaxPrimitiveCount=1048575
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: MaxVertexIndex=1048575
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: MaxStreams=16
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: MaxStreamStride=255
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: MaxVertexShaderConst=256
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Lighting buffer format: D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Lighting buffer supports Framebuffer Blending
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Device supports HW Shadow Maps
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Device supports FP Filtering
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports Shader Detail Level: 5
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Device supports Shader Model 3
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Using w- pixel fog
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports trilinear
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: using cubemaps [with mipmaps]
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports BLENDDIFFUSEALPHA
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports LOD biasing
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports Z biasing
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_ADDSIGNED2X
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_BUMPENVMAP
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_BUMPENVMAPLUMINANCE
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_DOTPRODUCT3
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_MODULATEALPHA_ADDCOLOR
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_MODULATECOLOR_ADDALPHA
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: szDriver=nv4_disp.dll
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: szDescription=NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: wProduct=6
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: wVersion=14
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: wSubVersion=10
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: wBuild=7777
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: dwVendorId=4318
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: dwDeviceId=146
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: dwSubSysId=562173570
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: dwRevision=161
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Detected: NVIDIA video card.
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: GPUs detected: 1.
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: (Karma): Initializing Karma for game.
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: WinSock: version 2.2 (2.2), MaxSocks=0, MaxUdp=0
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Log: Trying to connect to LoginServer at vanguardlogin1.soe.sony.com port 9000 ...
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: WinSock: I am gus (
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] NETWORK: DevNet: Resolving vanguardlogin1.soe.sony.com...
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] NETWORK: DevNet: Resolved vanguardlogin1.soe.sony.com (
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Log: (Karma): Autodetecting CPU for SSE
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Log: (Karma): Using SSE Optimizations
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Log: Level is Level Entry.myLevel
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Log: Bringing Level Entry.myLevel up for play...
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Log: Browse: chunk_2002_2002.vgr?Seamless=1?SingleChunk=0?Class=SGOUnrealAbstractionLayer.SGOPCPawn?CinematicEntry=1?team=255
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Log: (Karma): Autodetecting CPU for SSE
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Log: (Karma): Using SSE Optimizations
    [01/14/07 23:57:39] INFO: Log: Level is Level chunk_2002_2002.myLevel
    [01/14/07 23:57:39] INFO: Log: Bringing Level chunk_2002_2002.myLevel up for play...
    [01/14/07 23:57:39] INFO: Log: (Karma): Autodetecting CPU for SSE
    [01/14/07 23:57:39] INFO: Log: (Karma): Using SSE Optimizations
    [01/14/07 23:57:39] INFO: Log: * * INITIAL LEVEL LOAD COMPLETE
    [01/14/07 23:57:39] INFO: Init: ALAudio: subsystem initialized.
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Init: Input system initialized for WindowsViewport
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Log: Opened viewport
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Log: Attempting to set resolution: 1280x1024 (Fullscreen)
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Init: Best-match display mode: 1280x1024x32@75
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Log: Using 32-bit back-buffer format (22)
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Log: Using 32-bit depth-buffer format (75)
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Log: Creating device
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: CreateDevice: successfully created after 1 attempt(s).
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: CreateDevice: will use hardware transform and lighting.
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: CreateDevice: will use hardware vertex processing
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Log: Creating IME context.
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Log: OS doesn't support IME.
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Init: Game engine initialized
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Log: Startup time: 13.195000 seconds
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Init: Start SGOUI Init Start
    [01/14/07 23:57:51] ERROR: XML Fatal Error: ..\VGUIAssets\Global\Maps\MapAssets.xml [1:1] - Invalid document structure
    [01/14/07 23:57:51] ERROR: XML Fatal Error: ..\VGUIAssets\Global\Icons\Diplomacy\DipPortraits.xml [1:1] - Invalid document structure
    [01/14/07 23:57:51] ERROR: XML Fatal Error: ..\VGUIAssets\Shells\Default\Windows\VGUIExaminePopups.xml [1:1] - Invalid document structure
    [01/14/07 23:57:51] ERROR: XML Fatal Error: ..\VGUIAssets\Shells\Default\Windows\VGUILoginWnd.xml [1:1] - Invalid document structure
    [01/14/07 23:57:51] INFO: Log: VGUIXmlWinManager construction time = 0.613000 sec
    [01/14/07 23:57:51] INFO: Init: Start SGOUI Init End
    [01/14/07 23:57:51] FATAL: Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
    [01/14/07 23:57:51] FATAL: Exit: Executing UWindowsClient::ShutdownAfterError
    [01/14/07 23:57:52] FATAL: Exit: OpenAL Audio subsystem shut down.
  8. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    edited for stupidity....I didn't read your full post BD.
    Last edited: 15 Jan 2007
  9. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    Did you do a full file scan?
  10. you might have some bad sectors on your harddrive and those files are corrupted.

    The full file scan should have found them.

    One of us that has the game working can try sending you those XML files to see if they start working.
  11. Yea Arg, I've done a full file scan at least 3 times yesterday to no avail.

    I first downloaded from fileplanet. I scrapped that download and took the game off my computer. Overnight I downloaded from direct2drive, since I pre-ordered the game (this is how I got the beta key).

    Currently I am extracting the files. I am then going to turn off all firewalls and/or virus scanners. I will then install the game.

    I'll post again as to my outcome, probably within the hour.

    Thanks for the help D-Wolves - everything I do always turns into a project. :D
    Last edited: 15 Jan 2007
  12. Okay I get this error (this is the same error that has been popping up for me on the fileplanet download and now on the direct2drive download:

    vgclient.exe - Bad Image
    The applicationi or DLL C:\Program Files\Sony\Vanguard\bin\Core.dll is not a valid Windows image. Please check against your installation diskette.

    And the vgclinet.log:

    [01/14/07 23:57:34] INFO: ====================================================
    [01/14/07 23:57:34] INFO: Log opened.
    [01/14/07 23:57:34] INFO: Init: Name subsystem initialized
    [01/14/07 23:57:34] INFO: Init: Detected: Microsoft Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)
    [01/14/07 23:57:34] INFO: Init: Compiled: Jan 12 2007 20:18:37
    [01/14/07 23:57:34] INFO: Init: Threadsafe Core: No
    [01/14/07 23:57:34] INFO: Init: Base directory: C:\Program Files\Sony\Vanguard\bin\
    [01/14/07 23:57:34] INFO: Init: Character set: Unicode
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: DevLoad: Bound to IpDrv.dll
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: DevLoad: Bound to Engine.dll
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: DevLoad: Bound to Core.dll
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: DevLoad: Bound to SGOUnrealAbstractionLayer.dll
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: DevLoad: Bound to Window.dll
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: Init: Object subsystem initialized
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: Init: Computer: GUS
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: Init: User: GusW
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=1
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: Init: CPU Detected: AuthenticAMD
    [01/14/07 23:57:36] INFO: Init: CPU Features: MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3
    [01/14/07 23:57:37] INFO: Init: CPU Speed=2213.613490 MHz
    [01/14/07 23:57:37] INFO: Init: Memory total: Phys=2096624K Pagef=4139624K Virt=2097024K
    [01/14/07 23:57:37] INFO: Init: Working set: 32000 / 159000
    [01/14/07 23:57:37] INFO: Init: Process Info: Peak Memory Used: 18816 Working Set: 18816 PageFile: 19392
    [01/14/07 23:57:37] INFO: Init: Added all subdirectories and cached all files in 0.012000 seconds
    [01/14/07 23:57:37] INFO: Init: Loaded archive ..\Assets\Archives\binaryprefabs.sgo containing 17568 files
    [01/14/07 23:57:37] INFO: Init: Loaded archive ..\Assets\Archives\binshaders.sgo containing 64 files
    [01/14/07 23:57:37] INFO: Init: Loaded archive ..\Assets\Archives\textdata.sgo containing 36 files
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: Unreal engine initialized
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: Client initialized
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: Direct3D adapters detected:
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT (nv4_disp.dll)
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: Video memory on board: 244
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: AGP support detected
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: PixelShaderVersion=3.0
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: VertexShaderVersion=3.0
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: MaxTextureBlendStages=8
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: MaxSimultaneousTextures=8
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: MaxActiveLights=8
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: MaxPrimitiveCount=1048575
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: MaxVertexIndex=1048575
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: MaxStreams=16
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: MaxStreamStride=255
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: MaxVertexShaderConst=256
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Lighting buffer format: D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Lighting buffer supports Framebuffer Blending
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Device supports HW Shadow Maps
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Device supports FP Filtering
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports Shader Detail Level: 5
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Device supports Shader Model 3
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Using w- pixel fog
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports trilinear
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: using cubemaps [with mipmaps]
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports BLENDDIFFUSEALPHA
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports LOD biasing
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports Z biasing
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_ADDSIGNED2X
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_BUMPENVMAP
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_BUMPENVMAPLUMINANCE
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_DOTPRODUCT3
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_MODULATEALPHA_ADDCOLOR
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_MODULATECOLOR_ADDALPHA
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: szDriver=nv4_disp.dll
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: szDescription=NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: wProduct=6
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: wVersion=14
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: wSubVersion=10
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: wBuild=7777
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: dwVendorId=4318
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: dwDeviceId=146
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: dwSubSysId=562173570
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Device: dwRevision=161
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: D3D Detected: NVIDIA video card.
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: GPUs detected: 1.
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: (Karma): Initializing Karma for game.
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: WinSock: version 2.2 (2.2), MaxSocks=0, MaxUdp=0
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Log: Trying to connect to LoginServer at vanguardlogin1.soe.sony.com port 9000 ...
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Init: WinSock: I am gus (
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] NETWORK: DevNet: Resolving vanguardlogin1.soe.sony.com...
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] NETWORK: DevNet: Resolved vanguardlogin1.soe.sony.com (
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Log: (Karma): Autodetecting CPU for SSE
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Log: (Karma): Using SSE Optimizations
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Log: Level is Level Entry.myLevel
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Log: Bringing Level Entry.myLevel up for play...
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Log: Browse: chunk_2002_2002.vgr?Seamless=1?SingleChunk=0?Class=SGOUnrealAbstractionLayer.SGOPCPawn?CinematicEntry=1?team=255
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Log: (Karma): Autodetecting CPU for SSE
    [01/14/07 23:57:38] INFO: Log: (Karma): Using SSE Optimizations
    [01/14/07 23:57:39] INFO: Log: Level is Level chunk_2002_2002.myLevel
    [01/14/07 23:57:39] INFO: Log: Bringing Level chunk_2002_2002.myLevel up for play...
    [01/14/07 23:57:39] INFO: Log: (Karma): Autodetecting CPU for SSE
    [01/14/07 23:57:39] INFO: Log: (Karma): Using SSE Optimizations
    [01/14/07 23:57:39] INFO: Log: * * INITIAL LEVEL LOAD COMPLETE
    [01/14/07 23:57:39] INFO: Init: ALAudio: subsystem initialized.
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Init: Input system initialized for WindowsViewport
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Log: Opened viewport
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Log: Attempting to set resolution: 1280x1024 (Fullscreen)
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Init: Best-match display mode: 1280x1024x32@75
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Log: Using 32-bit back-buffer format (22)
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Log: Using 32-bit depth-buffer format (75)
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Log: Creating device
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: CreateDevice: successfully created after 1 attempt(s).
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: CreateDevice: will use hardware transform and lighting.
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Init: D3D Driver: CreateDevice: will use hardware vertex processing
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Log: Creating IME context.
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Log: OS doesn't support IME.
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Init: Game engine initialized
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Log: Startup time: 13.195000 seconds
    [01/14/07 23:57:50] INFO: Init: Start SGOUI Init Start
    [01/14/07 23:57:51] ERROR: XML Fatal Error: ..\VGUIAssets\Global\Maps\MapAssets.xml [1:1] - Invalid document structure
    [01/14/07 23:57:51] ERROR: XML Fatal Error: ..\VGUIAssets\Global\Icons\Diplomacy\DipPortraits.xml [1:1] - Invalid document structure
    [01/14/07 23:57:51] ERROR: XML Fatal Error: ..\VGUIAssets\Shells\Default\Windows\VGUIExaminePopups.xml [1:1] - Invalid document structure
    [01/14/07 23:57:51] ERROR: XML Fatal Error: ..\VGUIAssets\Shells\Default\Windows\VGUILoginWnd.xml [1:1] - Invalid document structure
    [01/14/07 23:57:51] INFO: Log: VGUIXmlWinManager construction time = 0.613000 sec
    [01/14/07 23:57:51] INFO: Init: Start SGOUI Init End
    [01/14/07 23:57:51] FATAL: Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
    [01/14/07 23:57:51] FATAL: Exit: Executing UWindowsClient::ShutdownAfterError
    [01/14/07 23:57:52] FATAL: Exit: OpenAL Audio subsystem shut down.

    I'm going to try running a scan now.
  13. Scan didn't work. :(

    Could this be an issue in Windows? I don't patch from microsoft because every time I do, I end up re-installing Windows XP because of reoccurring BSoDs.

    If you don't think it's because of a missing windows patch (I have not had trouble running any other game)
    If someone could be kind enough (as Arg suggested) sending me the:

    [01/14/07 23:57:51] ERROR: XML Fatal Error: ..\VGUIAssets\Global\Maps\MapAssets.xml [1:1] - Invalid document structure
    [01/14/07 23:57:51] ERROR: XML Fatal Error: ..\VGUIAssets\Global\Icons\Diplomacy\DipPortraits. xml [1:1] - Invalid document structure
    [01/14/07 23:57:51] ERROR: XML Fatal Error: ..\VGUIAssets\Shells\Default\Windows\VGUIExaminePo pups.xml [1:1] - Invalid document structure
    [01/14/07 23:57:51] ERROR: XML Fatal Error: ..\VGUIAssets\Shells\Default\Windows\VGUILoginWnd. xml [1:1] - Invalid document structure

    That would rock. guswalters2000@msn.com

    Last edited: 15 Jan 2007
  14. Okay. I upgraded microsoft windows xp pro - validated software. No more BSoDs when I try and run microsoft updates! yay!

    But I am still crashing to desktop everytime I hit "play".

    I deleted the game and reinstalled it.

    Still crashing when I hit "play"

    I have no anti-virus programs on.

    I am all over the Vanguard forums...no one seems to know what the deal is. I can't find the answer anywhere. I can't even find someone that has even remotely the errors I have popping up.

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