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C&C 3 Tiberum Wars

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Ingwë, 23 Aug 2006.

  1. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    :eek: :eek: :eek:

  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Pure ownage.. man I loved C&C
  4. Oh no, Hamma is excited, get the rope.
  5. I was thinking the same thing :lol:
  6. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    My first fansite evar was a C&C fansite :lol:
  7. Hamma, you know what this means you need to do with PSU!
  8. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

  9. chance'd be a fine thing...
  10. There are those who have since said "I hate you EA because you haven't added my idea"! Of course, there is no reason why EA can't be hated just because... :) Personally IMHO the game has never looked better, and this was the main consensus of fans who visited the Games Coneference in Leipzig last week; when the first multiplayer demonstration of the game was shown to players waiting for its 2007-release.

    The video you are about to download is 267MB in size, showcasing nearly 15 full minutes of gameplay between GDI and NOD:

    GC2006 -- CNC3 Tiberium Wars Multiplayer Demo

    Despite the August Podcast stated otherwise, the devs (as usual) also thought it would be best to bore us with more roleplay, rather than actually reveal the third faction that is still due for unveiling. Knowing them, we won't know who they are for sure for quite a while -- probably until the game's final trailer next summer.

    However, since Kane has declared his presence back alongside the Brotherhood, I doubt CABAL is that third faction. It is probably the progenitors of Tiberium itself, the Scrin.
    Last edited: 4 Sep 2006
  11. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    While graphically, the game looks great, the game play seems very similar to Generals. The one of the many problems I had with Generals, was that it was "extreme" rock paper scissors, where the "rock" units can completely obliterate "scissors" units in a matter of seconds. I feel like this forces cookie cutter tactics and discourages experimentation (which has always been a problem with RTSs).
  12. Every player has their own style, so it's possible that the game won't be held back as much in TW as it was in Generals.

    There is also the idea of the Command Centre and multiple factories. Although this has been seen before frequently in C&C games, it's the first time I can recall where they made the queuing system independant and separately-controllable squads -- in fact, its probably an argument with the devs way past its time.

    If multiple squads are available by default instead of manual input, it will probably speed up gameplay for users...

    I am a little concerned, though, about the 10-15min games. That's a rediculous number, particularly when you sometimes have four or even eight players on the map at once.
  13. The Scrin are coming

    Yes boys and girls the announcement all us CNC fans have been waiting for has come: the Scrin WILL be the third faction featured in Tiberium Wars. Their arrival will roughly coincide halfway through both the GDI and NOD campaigns; when Kane's expected, true nature is shown to humanity.

    However, the Scrin campaign will last only 15 missions compared to that of the standard 35 for the others...

    This could mean there is life for the Tiberium saga after this game, or this game could be the closing chapter, we just don't know. For those who want to know more about them, be sure to check out the January issue of Games for Windows that is doing a full preview.
  14. X360 Gameplay Trailer!

    A gameplay trailer for the Xbox360 has been released, and despite beign on a console the graphics don't look all that different.

    For convinience these come from IGN and are both in QuickTime format -- the second link will only be accessible to IGN Subscribers:

    http://xbox360movies.ign.com/xbox360/video/article/751/751714/GOOD_CC3_Xbox360_Trailer_1_qtlowwide.mov (320x180)
    http://xbox360movies.ign.com/xbox360/video/article/751/751714/GOOD_CC3_Xbox360_Trailer_1_qthighwide.mov (640x360)
  15. How about a six-page magazine spread?

    All these are 1920x1200 resolution (click to expand):



    Last edited: 5 Feb 2007
  16. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Awesome :eek:
  17. I also did a submission for the KANE EDITION Wallpaper Contest -- don't get any ideas, I've already sent it...


    I know technically because I live in the UK I can't win a copy of the game (EA at its finest), but I'm hoping it will still go on the Gold Master as an "honourary mention".
  18. I just read a terrifying revelation about the EA-US Forums...

    Did you know that more than 70% on there ARE NOT from the US! Guess that made the winners for the Kane Wallpaper Contest pretty select :eek:

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