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Could there be a sequel coming?

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 17 Jan 2007.

  1. Wee, Starcraft 2. Can't wait.
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Never played Starcraft. Was hoping for an FPS. :(
  3. Never played... wha... I... what? Go download it and play through the story.

    "It was most excellent. Most excellent indeed."
  4. *blows enthusiastically into a kazzoo*
  5. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I just cannot get into RTS's Ouro. Tried with Company of Heroes and, needless to say, I sucked major ass. I'd rather be one of those guys shooting the gun rather than have some nameless entity controlling my destiny.
  6. You must construct more pylons.
  7. i'm excited...but a bit disappointed that there still isn't better scale shown with the video out there, i.e., the battlecruisers size compared to marines
  8. You see the videos on IGN? They have all the ingame videos up.

    Oh yeah, download the CG trailer from the starcraft2 site. Kind of always wondered how the marine armor outfit worked, and now we know.
  9. Yeah it looks as though the only change has been a graphical upgrade. Personally I was expecting more...

    But it's Starcraft. Out of all the companies that do both SciFi and Fantasy-based games on a universe, I prefer the former type in this case to the latter. If this plays out like I think it will this'll be one of the best RTSs, 10 years in the making :)
  10. yeah...the high res vid u can dl from the sc2.com page is very nice
  11. This is the first game since the Tribes days (Vengeance doesn't count) that I'm looking forward to a game.

    I'm not hard to please, I don't have a litany of things that I need in a sequel, just don't make it a monthly fee and I'll be set.
  12. I did a search on youtube for professional starcraft. Those professional starcraft players in south korea are freaking crazy... One of them was quoted at getting paid 200,000USD.
  13. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Yes starcraft is like crack cocaine to them, professional conferences, professional competitions, map as are often over within minutes. It's broadcast on TV and there are HUGE arenas for it. Blizzard would be stupid to f' with SC to much because they can make assloads of money on Korea, forget the US.

    Personally I never was into SC, looks ok.
  14. Warhammer/WH40K also does well there and in China... unsurprising, really.
  15. The long 20 min vid of in game footage is great stuff. The map upgrades and terrain manuvering units are really the only major thing I always thought SC needed. But the new units look great and each one brings different strategies to the table.
  16. i did think that the claim by the Blizzard commentator that the last battle scene - the one that ended w/the 3 nukes & the zerg 'GG'- was 'epic' was a bit lame. I wouldn't call that an epic battle by nearly any standard. Yeah it lasted for more than a few seconds, but the numbers involved were not very considerable.

    I'll buy the game, and while I'm sure it'll be good, I'll keep hoping for more. Perhaps a greater sense of scale, wider angle view ( just don't see how you can have 'epic' battles with 'hundreds' of units with the zoom range shown)or the addition of a 4th race: Xel'naga re-emergence; the Zerg/Protoss hybrid race from the Brood War campaign; or even a Zerg/Human hybrid race.

    Maybe i want too much...
    Last edited: 20 May 2007
  17. I played the first starcraft. My opinion of it was warcraft 2 in space. Good game, I liked warcraft 2 as well. Played them both until I finished them. Then played the other side of the war.
    I'm not salivating over the info that blizzard is developing it. Blizzard makes great games. I'm sure this one will be a big seller. I'll wait for the bargain bin though :)
  18. Is there someplace to sign up for upcoming announcements? I'd be interested in being notified of new announcements.

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