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Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Sentrosi, 26 May 2007.

  1. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    [channels inner Yoda]Begun, the huggle wars have.

    [huggle] x 20
  2. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    Happy Birthday! /me huggles testflight, and realizing she's upset because of the huggle, comforts her with another huggle and upon realizing she's upset because of that huggle, comforts her with another huggle and upon realizing she's upset because of that huggle, comforts her with another huggle and upon realizing she's upset because of that huggle, comforts her with another huggle and upon realizing she's upset because of that huggle, comforts her with another huggle and upon realizing she's upset because of that huggle, comforts her with another huggle and upon realizing she's upset because of that huggle, comforts her with another huggle and upon realizing she's upset because of that huggle, comforts her with another huggle and upon realizing she's upset because of that huggle, comforts her with another huggle and upon realizing she's upset because of that huggle, comforts her with another huggle and upon realizing she's upset because of that huggle, comforts her with another huggle and upon realizing she's upset because of that huggle, comforts her with another huggle and upon realizing she's upset because of that huggle, comforts her with another huggle and upon realizing she's upset because of that huggle, comforts her with another huggle and upon realizing she's upset because of that huggle, comforts her with another huggle...
  3. jupe

    jupe Shocklance Ninja DragonWolf

    happy birthday test!

    for your present: *hands testflight the coveted shocklance and bends over*

  4. Happy B-Day Test! :cheers:
  5. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Hey test, hope your day was great! :love:
  6. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    Happy Birthday Test! :thumbsup: Have yourself a great day! :cheers:

  7. Happy Birthday Test! I miss your presence and personality.

  8. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    Happy Birthday :)

  9. Wilobren

    Wilobren DragonWolf

    Happy Birthday!!
  10. hope another year will be as awesome as you are have a wonderful life and enjoy your birthday
  11. Test!!! *coughs a few times* *cops her best marylin monroe voice* *sings* Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday *pause look at test* Dearest Testflight *blow kiss* Happy Birthday to you!!!

    Happy Birthday lady :) many hugs!!!
  12. YEY! Happy birthday test!!!!
  13. thanks guys

    i got a suntan and a plastic pink flamingo that lights up for my birthday...all in all it wasn't a bad day...

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