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Scoldingice from Laughing Skull

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Scolding, 5 Jun 2007.

  1. Hey this is Scoldingice, thought I might check up on you guys. I miss the days of last summer :D
  2. Also, if your Battleifeld 2 division is still going, would you all like to scrim?
    Add me or CharlieIsComing on xfire. Hanhamshabambam and b3atyadown.
  3. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    In WoW we only have one active division. They play on Twisting Nether - Horde side. BF2 was a severe dissapointment to me, but there are a few who still play. We don't have an official BF2 division anymore. But I'm sure those that remember you from LS and play BF2 will add you to their buddy lists.

    Right now most of us are playing Lord of the Rings Online. Server is Meneldor. The level ranges of our most active are between 30 and 40. We're taking our time and pacing ourselves. We feel there is no need to rush to 50. Those higher instances will still be there when we get there. So if you're interested, have access to a buddy key, look us up over there.

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