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F.E.A.R 2: Name Your Fear

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 10 Jun 2007.

  1. You may or may not have heard, but Monolith is doing a competition where they are offering 3 lucky winners a tour of their studios and their suggestion in-print -- to name the next chapter in the F.E.A.R franchise. VU Games owns the original name and, because of disagreements between the two companies, this can't be used.

    You can find the details on how to enter at the address below:


    My submission for a title (despite I cannot enter) can be found here, which I'd like to point out is jointly 1st the most-viewed thread of the entire site -- you'll understand why once you read the posts!
  2. Wilobren

    Wilobren DragonWolf

    Ok.. I've a question.

    Why is the horror industry trying to make frightening images & ideas around young girls? examples: The Ring (1 & 2), Grudge

    Now this game, using the same figure. My daughter thinks the grudge is so great, I found it just irritating.
  3. Oakfist

    Oakfist DragonWolf

    Not to mention "Silent Hill". That little girl was crazy.

    Which to me sounds like the whole premise behind F.E.A.R.

    Little girl has a psychic side and becomes abused/tortured and creates all kinds of nasty little suprises for people.

    Just like "The Ring" as well..:mad:

    But if we are going to credit anyone for this idea, lets give it to Stephen King for his short story "Firestarter" and the subsequent movie of the same name, which starred a little known actress by the name of Drew Barrymore.
  4. i was thinkin carrie
  5. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I was thinking Lizzie Borden.
  6. dang u mani for making me google :)
  7. Wilobren

    Wilobren DragonWolf

    Those girls were not done up with the long hair over the face thing like these last flicks. I mean I know about women's vengence. Maybe I just don't get it.
  8. Oakfist

    Oakfist DragonWolf

    Well "Firestarter" was the little psychic girl idea, but yeah "Carrie" works as well.

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