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Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts..

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Asp, 18 Jul 2007.

  1. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Ok, so my last game was a bust, you people are so hard to please.. :p

    Now we have the expansion to CoH: Opposing Fronts

    It has two new campaigns, probably new maps for MP, and the British, and elite German forces. They seemed to have tweaked this new add-on to keep it from being just a relentless assault on the flags, so people who turtle like I do in RTS games get some attention..

    Sounds interesting.

    geh, I just watched the video.. Churchill tanks, Priest mobile artillery, AND what looks like massive atrillery barrages from 25 pdr guns.. I think I'll like the British just fine.. :D
    Last edited: 18 Jul 2007
  2. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder


    the british creeping artillery barrage is just awesome
  3. I never got into the online play but I really enjoyed the first campaign and I definitely will be picking this one up. The first game just had Normandy with a scroll down bar (meaning that this will possibly add on other areas). It would be great if it turned out that the expansion upgraded all the graphics and sounds for the first one and combined them so you would be working from one launch screen instead of having to close out of one version and start another when you feel like going back to storm Omaha again. heh.

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