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Tabula Rasa Beta

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Manitou, 10 Aug 2007.

  1. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Anyone else get the invite?
  2. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    I did.... Black tried it out. Not overly impressed.
  3. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I can't remember what email address I used. But from what I've read about it I'd prefer not to be in it. Had it been a FPS type of game I would have been on it pretty quick. But it's just another button masher.
  4. I got into the beta about 3 or 4 months ago. Its actually pretty fun for a while. I need to see what changes have been made but I don't think its got any real lasting appeal.
  5. Agreed. I can't remember when I got in but I stopped playing after about 2 or 3 weeks. It is a semi-new MMOFPS concept, though the FPS aspect is simply putting the crosshairs over your target and clicking a bunch. No real skill required. I guess it's more third person than it is first person though.

    Fun for awhile, but it definitely doesn't stand out.
  6. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I'm downloading now. Will give it a shot.
  7. I'm not getting into it.

    I have a problem with companies who can't seem to grasp the fact that EU and US players SHOULD be able to play together on the same servers :mad:
  8. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Tuesday and Thursday, 5:00pm-2:00am CST
    Friday 5:00pm-Monday 2:00am CST

    I'm going to try this game out tonight, unless Meneldor is in need of a 46 hunter. If anyone else is on around 8pm EST we should get together and try this game out. I'm not sure how many people you'll need to setup an outfit, but we can at least set up a friends list. And note the times are all in Central Standard Time. Add an hour for Eastern Standard time.
  9. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Errr, Ummm, Yeah...what a crapshoot.

    In a mission where I have to kill the Dissector and the Collector and get this Logos power item. So I go and get the item, kill the Collector, and sit there with no idea how to get to the Dissector. Ask for help in game, met with complete silence. Hell, LOTRO there was always someone there to help guide you.

    Knowing it's in its infantile stages and all...the community just outright sucks.
  10. the other guy is suppose to spawn behind you after you kill the first guy

    my favorite quest was the "virtually wait in a queue while 1000 other beta testers line up because you can only activate the logos one at a time" :p

    the craziest part is PEOPLE ACTUALLY LINED UP!
    Last edited: 17 Aug 2007
  11. I guess I was playing it when the beta was limited to a smaller group. Overpopulation was never an issue for me. The game is fun, once you get to level 30 (I think it was 30) and go the grenadier path, you can lay waste to everything in your path. I guess it just wasn't challenging enough...or at all.

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