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Hellgate: London

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 24 Nov 2006.

  1. I really don't see this game lasting long enough to make that price worth it. You'd have to play for a year and three month to break even. It's not an MMO.

    Plus, there will also be in game advertisements brought to you by EA(the same BS they did for BF2142). Sounds like a great deal, advertisements and a monthly fee for a next generation Guild Wars.
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I was sort of excited about the game. So much that I placed a preorder in on it. Collectors Edition even. Only paid $10 for it. Going into EB to cancel my order.
  3. ive played the demo, not the beta... and ya, there had to be about 30 locations for in game advertisements just in the first station. I didn't notice it at first but once I saw the first nvidia sign I looked around and was surrounded by adds like standing in the middle of times square.

    I thought the game was interesting and wanted to continue past the limitations of the demo but... meh. I'm not sure if I want to pay for it. The cool thing is that I might get to tour their studio soon.
  4. A game with a guild wars style system and they're trying to pass it off as a subscription based MMO. Dynamic missions? More like 2-3 variations of the exact same looking instance with random mob spawns based on your level, like City of Heroes.

    I played the demo for about 30 minutes last night and got the impression that this game is going to bomb - big time. The gameplay isn't all that engaging, the marksman is simple point and click, but in a really stiff way. All of the "instances" I entered looked identical, besides maybe an extra hallway leading to an extra room here and there. Bland enemies, overpowered grenades that decimate an entire room of zombies in an instant (sounds fun, but trust me, it isn't). The guys in charge seem to be aware that this game is going to bomb, because they are trying to squeeze as much cash out of their player base right off the bat. In game advertisements, I'm sorry, but when I'm roaming the hell-creature infested streets of London, I don't want to be bombarded with real world advertisments. Monthly subscription fees for "elite" mode, when you look closely at the features you get when subscribed: Guild management, more inventory space, more character slots, hardcore/elite modes, high end loot, it makes their "free" mode seem more like a trial. You have to pay the subscription fee to gain access to higher end loot. Not only that, but once you have obtained the high end loot, you must continue to subscribe simply to wear it.

    Why should I pay full price for a game, yet only have access to half of it unless I also pay a monthly subscription fee? It is no more an MMO than Guild Wars is, and Guild Wars does not have a subscription fee.

    Simply put, this game is going to be the biggest failure in game history. Do NOT buy it. At least until the Flagship guys come to their senses and remove the subscription...if ever.
  5. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    We need to start a review site. :p

    Gotta love EA - a true scam.
  6. Yeah, I canceled my pre-order last week. The demo is missing quite a bit from the Beta, but its still just not worth it. The Summoner, Blademaster, and Engineer are decently fun to play. The rest are really boring and badly designed. Stuffing all your players into subways is just dumb to. But even those are instanced so you have to portal to your group. Player economy is weak. Along with the whole premium crap and in game advertising... its very dissapointing. Ohwell to much to play as it is.
  7. The game actually would seem be pretty fun to play for a while(for me anyway) if the marketing geniuses didn't bombard us with both a monthly fee AND advertisements. Maybe in a few months they'll realize what a colossal mistake they made and either reduce/drop the monthly fee or get rid of the advertisements or, hey, both.
  8. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

  9. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

  10. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf


    ya i was pretty pumped for the game but now i'm not going to waste my time with it. More EVE and the devils game (WoW)! Hurray!
  11. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Black ---->[​IMG] <----Hamma's Lethal Bunnies of Doom

    Everytime you mention WoW, Hamma releases his wrath in the form of cute cuddly bloodthirsty bunnies.

    Please, think of the bunnies.
  12. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    So I was browsing through my junk email to find a beta invite to Hellgate London. So I downloaded and installed it.

    I started to play around 10am playing a hunter. Have gotten up to level 8. And I've crashed a total of 6 times. 4 times directly to desktop and 2 times I had to bring up the Task Manager to manually shut down the program. Also been disconnected 3 or 4 times.

    Knowing it's beta is one thing. Realizing that their product is supposed to ship out next week AND it still CTD's is another thing completely. And yes, I've shut down any/all programs that may affect it, even my Anti virus. Which should never EVER interfere with any games I play.

    Glad I cancelled my pre-order. This is going to turn into a steamy pile of dung.
  13. I just played a bit up to lvl 7, I actually kind of enjoyed it, although i only played it for maybe 3-4 hours
  14. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

  15. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Well I thought that I had canceled my pre-order until I got a call from EB Games telling me that the game is in the store waiting for me to come pick it up. I went there and got the game, came home, updated all of my drivers.

    Runs flawlessly now.

    Game does get a bit repetitive, but I'm enjoying the game right now.
  16. Heh, I almost got it this weekend but I held off... this month to sick already. Got CoD4, GoW PC, GHIII, and pre-order on mass effect yesterday. Ouch! Still got Crysis, Assassin's Creed and Super Mario Galaxy coming to... ugh! Gaming overdose...
  17. GH3, Crysis, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, the mediocrity of gaming is finally coming to an end...for now. *Prepares wallet for the imminent onslaught*
  18. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    Agreed : /
  19. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    Well, it was a beta, those can be a bit crashy. :p

    I picked this up as well, had a minor bit of trouble getting the sound to work -- I had to disable my onboard sound, as the game wanted to use that one for some reason. Other than that, it's been fine.

    I like it. It's a worthy entry to the Diablo-esque genre, and has a fairly unique setting and story as far as RPGs go. I quite like the item options -- it's nice to be able to break down items into components so your inventory doesn't fill up, and then use those components later to upgrade and augment your existing items. Nothing really ends up being vendor trash.
  20. I have been playing too for a while, lvl 23 marksman I think, although the subscriber events have been kind of a bust for me, although for a lot of people apparantly.

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