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Erasmus' Aplication

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Erasmus, 4 Dec 2007.

  1. 1) Erasmus, 70 Blood Elf Mage

    2) Jewelcrafter, 356 --- Tailor, 330ish

    3) Twisting Nether Division

    4) Was in a raiding guild, Devastation, and was guildless after it disbanded.

    5) Im looking to Raid and do heroics!!! Also, i cant stand immaturity, f-bombs, etc. Looking for a guild who helps its members when needed, not just looks the other way when asked for help.

    Thank you for your consideration!
  2. Welcome Erasmus, glad to see you were able to post an app so soon. hope to see you in game soon.
  3. Hiya, hope you find this to be a new home for you and you never have to look again! Welcome and best of luck and if you need help when I am on I would be more than happy to help if I can. :)

  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Hail and well met!

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