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Bhutto assassinated

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Rax Nahali, 27 Dec 2007.

  1. Humanity never fails to disappoint. I'll not pretend ot know much about bhutto. Other then what I've seen in the local news.
    A woman in islam, that doesn't want to be treated like cattle, will probably end up the same as her in the end.
    I know Bhutto was kicked out of office a couple of times for having her hand in the till. She's a politician, she's no saint.
    The absolute disregard for human life sickens me. Not only did they kill Bhutto, they blew up the crowd surrounding her after shooting Bhutto several times.
    On top of that, the middle east's disdain for the west. Despite riding the coat tails of our combined nations into the modern era is so hypocritical it defies belief. Virtually every technology the middle east has was developed by western civilization.
    If there weren't so many good people being held hostage in their own countries, I'd say nuke em all. By good I mean reasonable people. Not following religious or political doctrine to the detriment of others.
    Oh, happy new year.
    Final rant of 07, thanks for listening :rawr:
  2. The middle east hasn't made much progress at all as far as humanity is concerned. There is still deep hatred abound, simply by worshiping different gods. It's a biblical age mindset with modern technology. A combination sure to end badly. It is a perfect example of why humanity needs to either abolish religion completely (not very likely) or learn to accept religious differences (even more unlikely). Either way you slice it, it shows just how barbaric a region can be when religious views trump...the general wellbeing of humanity. Imagine what the middle east would be like if they all just closed their holy books and started talking to each other as people, not infidels.

    Hell, even adjusting to become more like western religion would be a giant leap in the right direction. Hatred and violence would be reduced to biggotry and racism at least. Better than car bombs blowing up hundreds of innocent people.
    Last edited: 28 Dec 2007
  3. Not to make lightly of your "the whole cause of humanities problems is organized religion" theme Kaikou, but I seriously doubt the shootings of columbine, virginia tech, and numerous other nationally known mass shootings we have had here in the US have all been religious based. Some people are just plain fuked in the head. Give them a gun, and now you have a problem. Some people are going to kill other people, its a simple fact, often driven by other motives then religion. Dr Feliti has developed a well respected hypothesis about adverse childhood events that effect the developement of children early in life that have lifelong consequences on not only their mental well being but also physcial well being. He has quantitated that the more adverse childhood events a child suffers from, the more likely they are to have problems as an adult. These events include growing up with one or more parents that are substance abusers, or physical abuse or neglect, or even just growing up in a single parent household. He doesnt mention that the practice of any given faith in a household encompenses an adverse childhood event. I think if we look at todays current rise in substance abuse, single parent households, lack of tradition, we are going to be seeing a lot more of tommorrows children suffering from Adverse childhood events. These children of tommorrow are going to have access to plenty of lethal weapons. 40 years ago, school shootings were harldy ever an issue. Our youth today lack direction, structure and boundaries. We better be prepared, 50 years from now, Im scared to contemplate the outcomes.
  4. I certainly have never said all of the problems of humanity are due to organized religion. Large portions of racism, prejudice, hatred and whatnot are indeed attributed to religious belief systems, but I'm not so naive to think religion is the only problem - just one of the bigger ones. America has some serious problems. Lots of parents don't raise their kids. They just give them a computer and a copy of postal 2 and tell them to be quiet. Then when said kid ends up bringing a gun to school they wonder where they went wrong. That has no religious motivation behind it.

    I don't recall trying to defend the position that those school shootings had religious motivation. I wasn't even talking about problems in the U.S. Religious hate crimes in the U.S. hardly exist. But in the middle east, where you have people blowing up groups of innocent people in the name of religion, it's quite a different story. I was merely stating that if you were to root out religion in the middle east, it would be a giant step towards peace. Of course I know these people would never have enough sense in them to truly seek peace over jihads. That's how they were raised to think though. Making a diety out to be more valuable than your fellow humans has to be the greatest fault religions all across the world fell victim to. There can never be peace so long as that idea exists.
  5. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Kai has a very valid point. The Middle East is much older in tradition and culture than the US. Eventually, religion will run this country and we will kill each other for our beliefs.

    We do it now, just not on the grand scale as the Middle East.

    But we also do it for other reasons. And some of those are because we are Humans. We LOVE to prey on each other. We want POWER.

    The problem is, most don't understand POWER. What is POWER?

    Foul Stench's old drummer thinks living on the street is hardcore. He thinks sleeping under a bridge at night is hardcore. He thinks eating out of other peoples trash is hardcore. For him, that is POWER.

    He doesn't understand getting up every morning and going to work, doing your best to do that job, and keeping that job is hardcore. I think it is more hardcore than he will ever know. That is POWER to me.

    But then, I'm an American. I believe each to his own. That is the American Power. And I hope it stays that way.

    I respect each in their views of life. Yes, sometimes I get pissed and spout mine own. But at the end of the day, I say "You have that right".

    That's not necessarilly being American as much as it is being a Human.

    Until HUMANS respect each other as HUMANS, we will continue to kill each other, no matter what we stand for.

    But then, once we cease wholly from preying on each other, the Human Race will cease to exist. Kind of a catch 22.

    But I have a way out of this!

    All hot chicks prey on us dudes!! Humanity saved!!!!

    And the chicks get that "saved Humanity" thing...

  6. No argument there. Brilliant plan in fact.
  7. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Here in lies the problem with humanity though;

    Who decides who is hot and who is not?

    I know of a couple of guys who think Hillary Clinton is hot. No, they are not on drugs. The two that I know look at me with a serious face when they say that she is hot. Usually the ground erupts around them, fire and brimstone fall out of the sky, and the world goes 3 degrees to the left when they say that, but it is true.

    If we respect humanity, we must respect looks as well. Therefore your subsequent post Chuk should read, "All chicks prey on us dudes!! Humanity saved!!!!"
  8. Let he who is being stalked to be preyed upon determine if the woman is hot or not. That way we can avoid Hillary Clinton at all costs.
  9. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    There are times that Hillary is hot....it just happens when she doesn't say anything.

    Hillary is a fairly good looking woman. Hell, Chelsea is looking pretty hot too.

    Chick hotness comes in many varieties. I've been around hot looking chicks that I wouldn't let suck on my pants because they are idiots.

    Doesn't mean they aren't hot. But it comes down to my personal actions and what I would allow.

    INDIVIDUALISM. That is a big no-no in this Country anymore.

    So, your own definition of hotness is your own.

    Bring on the girlies!!!!

    Oh, and I must bring up one of my favorite scenarios from Emo Phillips:

    Chick: "Not if you were the LAST man on Earth."

    Emo: "If I was the LAST man on Earth, you wouldn't even be allowed in LINE."

    That is the best line EVER!!!!

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