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My Personal New Years Eve Miracle (MUST READ THIS)

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Paladin, 2 Jan 2008.

  1. If there was ever any doubt if GOD exists and Miracles happen , then what you are about to read may change your mind.

    Dec 31 2007- My wife and I went to Tampa airport to pick up her parents. We had been watching there dog Rocky and we brought our dog Jet with us. So we Parked on the top of the parking garage (the 9th story). As I started to turn I could see Jet on his back legs starting to jump. I screamed Nooo and tried to catch his back legs as they went over the 4.5 wall. I just missed him. I couldn’t bare to watch him hit the ground below. As soon as I missed grabbing him, I turned and fell to my knees. I placed my hands and head on the ground and said “Oh my GOD, please no, please no”. I heard a THUD, and Jet whimper just once. My wife came running over at that point hysterical crying out his name and crying.

    I was like a lost little boy, I had raised Jet from just 6 weeks old. I told my wife not to look, that there was nothing we could do. We held each other for a little while and then went to look over. We looked over and he wasn’t there, there was a young man below us with huge eyes. He said that Jet got up and walked after he hit. I ran over to a phone on the roof and was able to reach airport police. Jessica family showed up just then and thought we had gotten mugged or something. Her brother (david) ran down the stairs and we ran with her parents to the edge of the building. I saw Jet and yelled to him, he looked up and saw me. I told him to sit and then lay down and stay. He did that. Moments later David pops out on a roof of an air conditioner building and jumped down on top of the roof that Jet was at. The police showed up shortly after that and helped to get Jet down to the ground and escorted me to where I could pick him up and take him to a 24 hour critical care facility. Jet was able to walk down the 3 flights of stairs but his breathing was labored and he was bleeding. We made it to the vet about 35 minutes after the entire incident took place.

    Jet fell and landed on the roof of the building next to the parking garage, which was even with the third floor. He fell 6 stories, over 60 feet. Here is the miracle; he didn’t have on broken bone not even a fracture. He has no brain trauma, no missing teeth, and no large cuts. He did have a very small puncture in his left lung, and slight bleeding in his abdomen, all of which healed on it own that night at the dog vet. He has bruised lungs, heart, ribs and bruising on his back leg. He’s on antibiotics, and pain killers. Just 25 hours after he fell, he was on his way home with us. We are told to just keep him calm and not exercise with him for a few weeks.

    If that isn’t a miracle that shows that Jet fell into GODS hands, I don’t know what is!

    This is a true story and happened to me.

    Clayton AKA Paladin

    I’ll take some pictures of Jet and where he fell in the next few days.

    Before (Christmas 2007):




    Last edited: 10 Feb 2008
  2. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I'm glad Jet's ok.
  3. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder


    Glad he's ok and also never know when god will do a great deed for someone :)
  4. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    It's like a payback Paladin for all you do.

    Great Christmas present for you. To see a tragedy and the miracle that can come from it.
  5. Rane

    Rane DragonWolf

    Thanks for sharing that Paladin. I'm glad Jet is ok.
  6. Glad your dog is ok. I remember hearing a story about a dog that fell off a cliff about the same distance and survived with minor bruises and scratches. Pretty lucky little fella. Hopefully he learned his lesson to look before he leaps. Hope he feels better soon.
  7. aaww that is great.....so happy to hear that you shared what God did for you and your family.........ty
  8. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Not to be a bummer, but I'm betting it's just like the football team who just won...God was there and favored that one team.

    God is a big sports fan, obviously, as the team who won all say it was because he let them.

    God allowed your dog to survive this fall. Yet thousands of Humans die all around the world. Other animals die from similar falls or other accidents.

    Some survive the same, just as Humans do.

    In fact, a friend of mine, his kid survived a two story drop with no after effects or broken bones. The kid was about three I believe, maybe two.

    Yet I know a person who fell from a one story drop and died. They were around 20 years old.

    I'm glad the dog survived, but to me it isn't a Miracle. Just Good Fortune.
  9. Thats pretty much how I see it, but I'm not going to rain on anybody's parade. Though isn't it kind of a catch 22 to say God has a plan for everything, but at the same time believe your prayers can impact that plan? Or that this God intervened in his own plan to rewrite it just for you? Nevermind, not going to go there. It's certainly true that the dog was fortunate, be it due to an omnipotent man in the sky changing his mind about his plan, or otherwise.

    I definitely get a good chuckle out of people that go so far as to say their team was favored by God when they won the game though. Convinced that their prayers were heard and the outcome was influenced by them.
    Last edited: 5 Jan 2008
  10. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Every thread that has the word God in it does not need to be turned into a petty religious debate. :|

    Happy to hear your Dog survived. Seems to be a good stretch for falls like that, some guy fell what 31 stories in NY and lived :eek: Just so he could file a lawsuit.. :lol:
  11. Thank you Hamma :)

    I know what it's like to lose a pet. They are like one of the family. So I am very glad to hear your dog is ok. I am curious to know what made him jump?
  12. Hey, if there's one thing I've learned, it's that religious debates just don't work here in the CDL forums. I wasn't trying to instigate anything, I was just commenting further on what Ground Chuk had to say. It is perfectly reasonable to explain why it doesn't seem like such a miracle. I'm sure it shouldn't bother those who feel it is a miracle, if it does, they need to learn to be tolerant of other people's opinions. If you have a right to say it is a miracle, I certainly have the right to say it isn't. A religious debate shouldn't spawn from that, not unless one side starts asserting its views as objective. This thread does have a hint of "here's proof miracles happen" to it, and judging from the first sentence, almost seems like it is challenging me to prove it isn't a miracle. But I'm willing to let it slide and rather than explain why it wasn't a miracle as Chuk was alluding to, simply make verbal my own opinion: This thread certainly does not convince me miracles happen.

    But like I said before, miracle or not, the dog is alive and well and that really should be the main focus of this thread, not whether miracles happen or not.
    Last edited: 5 Jan 2008
  13. Master

    Master "First Ten" Club Member

    Main Entry: mir·a·cle
    Pronunciation: \ˈmir-i-kəl\
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin miraculum, from Latin, a wonder, marvel, from mirari to wonder at
    Date: 12th century
    1: an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs
    2: an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment
    3Christian Science : a divinely natural phenomenon experienced humanly as the fulfillment of spiritual law

    Seems to me based on definition #2 - this could be considered a miracle, to Paladin it sure was. I get frustrated by the fact we feel the need to thread crap just because he shared a personal story he felt was miraculous? Do you think he will have the desire to share special stories in his personal life with some of us again?

    I guess my point is - if you dont believe in God or think it was a miracle great. But it was truly a good story and a moment he is now able to look back on and personally thank his God that he believes in for.
    Thank you for sharing it with us Paladin. Truly an incredible story!
  14. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Kai I wasn't referring to you or anyone specific. Just in General, I think after all this time it's pretty well known where most of us stand on that particular issue :lol:
  15. Think of it like this. Say the same thing happened to one of my dogs, and I posted about it emphasizing that no gods or miracles were involved, and that it was entirely due to luck. It is a supurfluous thing to do. The story would be just as good without the declaration that a miracle took place. That's all. Since the presumption was made that a miracle took place, it was countered with "not necessarily". Is that really crapping on a thread? When religious people talk about events with a religious bias, am I supposed to just be quiet and smile? They certainly don't tend to return the favor when discussing things like evolution, or the origins of the universe, do they?

    I won't let them have their cake and eat it too.

    But seriously, moving on. ----->http://youtube.com/watch?v=G0LtUX_6IXY
    Last edited: 5 Jan 2008
  16. Thanks to everyone for posting, it shows that people care. If this story touched your heart I'm glad. It was not my intention to push any views on anyone else. In the end we can rationalize just about everthing good that happens, including the sky diver who's shute didn't open and survived.

    Weather you think it was from God, Jesus, Budda, (can't think of any other names atm) or just good luck. I'm happy for you, follow what you believe and what makes you happy. They call dogs "mans best friend" and I thought I lost the one that I raised. My wife said I just looked lost when Jet went over the edge. For me this was a nothing short of a miracle. I know people throw GOD around alot, the sports team was a good example. I think our culture as a whole as been desensitized to GOD. Look at the times of our founding fathers and where we are now.
    As to why he jumped, I'm not sure. He was pretty excited and I was running as fast as I could. Maybe he thought there was something on the other side, maybe he thought it was like the bed of my truck. Maybe by me putting my hand up on the wall, he mistook it for my double pat command with a verbal up. Maybe he didn't like what I was wearing.

    I think everyone was respectful with their posts, and I respect what ever view you have on this. All that matters in the end is that Jet is alive and I'm overjoyed. With that said I'll be happy to talk with anyone about this in PM's if they have any questions, concerns or just want to voice there option.
  17. OMG poor puppy! When I was reading this it made me want to cry! I have cats and Id be so hurt to see anything ever happen to them. They are my kids. Im glad Jet wasnt harmed. Miracle's do come true!! Give Jet a hug for me! <3
  18. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    Based on the first sentence of the original post, I think it's pretty obvious that Paladin was going for definition #1, though definition #2 certainly fits. And that's fine, he's free to interpret events in his own life however he wants to. At the same time, I see where others are coming from, seeing that same sentence as something of a challenge and responding to it. That's fine, too -- it's all part of human communication. I see your point, too -- it is an incredible story, and I'm glad he shared it with us.

    I'm just glad that Jet is okay, though whether it's through divine intervention or simple luck is a subject that I have little interest in. :)

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