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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Manitou, 31 Jan 2008.

  1. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Okay, so this game is simple and its in Facebook - but it is kinda fun and it is free.

    If you get into it, we can start a CDL Alliance and rule the world! Let me know if you join...
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Rule....Facebook? :rofl:
  3. facebook is awesome!!! :D
  4. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I try to stay away from the whole MySpace/Facebook thing. It came too late for me to really enjoy its benefits.

    But hey, if it's your bag, go for it! I'll need to see a proper divisional charter though....:rofl:
  5. facebook? hmmm...we shall see

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