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AoC and CDL

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Sentrosi, 10 May 2008.

  1. SO is the game worth buying? I just got back to Okinawa and havent really played or looked at anything in a while...
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    The game isn't polished yet. There are a lot of things that need to be fixed in the game. They're patching 2 times a week (Mon and Thurs) and todays patch took up almost the entire day. Servers usually only go down for 5 hours. This one lasted a good 13 hours. So needless to say we're getting a free day out of it. They are improving the game with these patches, no real 'stealth nerfs' to be had, mostly because the game is brand new.

    A few of the classes are actually balanced. Tempest of Set is a complete pwner in PvP. Bear Shamans are pretty good, from what I hear. Necrologists and Demonologists can summon an insane amount of pets.

    I play a Herald of Xolti. The ultimate paradox on the battlefield. I wear cloth armor but wield a 2 handed sword and have the power of a demon god at my side. I can change into a visage of the demon and, with the right feats (skills) I can stun my enemies in fear for about 3 seconds. My insane damage combos take a long time to spool up, but when they do I hit like a Mac Truck.

    I think I like my character more than I like the game. I love seeing him eat a heart out of a minion or decapitate an enemy 3 ways from Sunday. Or my favorite...I just point and they are consumed by my hellish fire. This class appeals to my darker side as it has been compared to the sith lords from Star Wars.

    I would say do a little research Duffman. Look at what is out there and, once the buddy keys are released, try to get ahold of one. This game isn't for everyone. It's not a cookie cutter WoW clone either.
  3. Doomhawk

    Doomhawk Council of Elders<BR>UberPigeon Elder DragonWolf

    Personaly I disliked it. Pretty much nothing in the game seemed finished, alot of skills and abilitys were totaly pointless, quest dialog and voice acting was all pretty poor imo. I hated the movent and the way you intereacted in the world as well, not very smooth at all. I didnt level very high, but the last ive heard the endgame pvp systems realy not even in place yet, and people are running out of stuff to do.

    Anyways, im sure it will turn out to be a decent game in time but I played it for about a week and half and got pretty bored. I ended up trying out some Muds and MOOs for the first time and I was more entertained by them and hadnt touched connan since.

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