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Empire: Total War

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Asp, 17 Jul 2008.

  1. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Looks fantastic.. For all those CoH players looking for a strategy game that's not WWII or modern based, this is going to be amazing..

    The Naval battles are apparently unbelievable..

    Empire: Total War
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I am all over that one. Block out some time Asp, we are going to be busy. :lol:
  3. Still a ways off though.

    I'm not sure about the whole 'wet dream' statement in the article title, but the total war series is definitely high grade.

    If someone could combine the tactical combat/strategy layer from total war, with the city building/ civilization expansion of the Civ series, and then drop in a more complex economic model - something like the Supreme ruler series - then I think you'd might be able to use the article's title imo. If you could then take your empire into space...well... I guess i'll just have to dream...
  4. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    The invasion will begin, meet you in Boston, I'll bring the tea.. :p
  5. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    wooot!!! I'll bring the beer!
  6. Anyone picked this up? I'd wager its a great game, but thought I'd ask for any impressions.
  7. I bought it from steam... lots of bugs(CTDs, white screens). Will be great i think when they work out the bugs and the mod scene gets going. Its also far too easy as the campaign AI is not very good.
  8. That is what I've been reading. A lot of reviewers are blowing smoke right now saying the game is great. It is full of holes. Along with the stuff Duffman said, there are many game breaking issues like corrupted saved game files, broken campaign scripting, and the list goes on. I think the game will be well worth it after it leaves beta....
  9. yeah...it definitely glad I didn't go and buy the game...its a shame really for such a good series to release a title in such a condition...
  10. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    I got it. Plays pretty well the same as the rest of the Total War series. Can see this getting boring in a short time like the others.
  11. I didn't get bored with the other titles myself...at least not until I got really bogged down in mid-late game at times. Then it could get a bit tedious...but usually was just plenty of fun...for me at least

    I'll probably wait until the game is smoothed out a bit and I am able to upgrade/build a new system before I buy it. I'm still running a single core Ath64 4000+, 2 GB Ram, and a 8600Gt 256MB...which is really just barely enough to squeeze by the minimum reqs.
  12. I'm going to load up Europa Universalis. Good game that one. Empire isn't ready for prime time. I'll wait a bit until the edges are smoothed out.
  13. EU was a good game....if i remember though, I got a bit frustrated with my inability to keep up with tech(i was dominating the new world colonization - so that's prob why if I remember the game mechanics regarding growth penalties) and the lack of a more in depth combat system

    Those things aside (for me) I do think it was a good game...perhaps I should give it another go as well...hmmm
  14. All games have their downsides. EU was a pretty polished game with lots of replayability.

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