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Working till midnight sucks arse. :(

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Asmodeus, 27 Dec 2001.

  1. Once this song is done playing on my player, I'm gunna change and goto work. :(
    5-12 shift.

    It's fuckin bs. I'm almost ALWAYS stuck with the late shifts. Fuckin boss told me christmas eve at like 4:30 (half hour before the store closes) that I'm working thursday(today) 5-12. No exceptions. I was like.. fucking bastard.

    I swear if he pisses me off at all between now, and my bday.. I'm quitting.

    editted: typo :/
  2. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    :( sorry
  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

  4. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    Can you hear that little voice in your head saying Quit ?
  5. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    :mtx: says :drunk:
  6. oh, I'm sorry..

    did I mean 12 oclock?

    no. I ment 2 oclock in the morning.

    Btw, I've got to be up for 7:30 so that I actually wake up at 8 to goto work again for 9.

    That's the last fucking time I accept to work the late shift.

    Last fucking time ever, or I'll follow my conscience and say my goodbyes.
  7. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    hrm, they have laws against that in the us.. u cant be workin till that hour if your under 18 :eek:

    or at least, your not supposed to hehe
  8. well, with 5.5 or 6 hours worth of sleep under my belt, I'm gunna head back to work in about 25-30 minutes. Working 9-6 today. Get home, nap for 2 hours, then head back out to go see a movie, be back around 1 in the morning, go back to sleep, and set the alarmclock for 7:30 again, because I have to work again 9-6 on saturday.

    Well, if you see me on icq at all within these 2 days, it'll be a miracle.
  9. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Why do you choose to work such crappy hours? I mean 9-6.. come on man either work in the mornings or in the evenings but the mid day thing just sucks.

    The human body only needs 2 hours of deep sleep to rejuvinate. So 6 hours should be good enough. Why don't you not go out and see a movie and just invite your girlfriend over and spend some extra time in the sheets. :cool: :D
  10. Great Dane


    I came in to work at 11 AM today, and I will be leaving around 11:30 :D
  11. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    bout 30 mins left for me :D
  12. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    Im off
    i work 5 hours a day if that
  13. hmmm...let's see. For the last 2 weeks I have had to work 6-3 every damn day. THis means I have to get up at 5 to be here on time. Now this probably isn't an issue for most people, but I DON"T DO MORNINGS! I stay up until at least 1 or 2 everynight. I can't help it. Then I'm up at 5...ouch it hurts. I had to be here at 6 the morning after Christmas and that was just hell. The good news is that because I worked the Christmas after morn, I am going to take a few days off around New Years. I'll let the other guys have some fun with this morning shift. I bet they are late!!!
  14. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    goto bed at midnight or litle later up at 5:30 am
    be at work by 6:30 am

    usally home by noon
  15. screw sleepin. I'm leavin in an hour to go watch a movie, then be home around 1:30ish in the mornin tomorrow, then back to work again for 9 :/

    You ask why I agree?
    I'm not given the choice. At a mighty 6.40 an hour and being parttime.. I'm shit on at every corner. I've been workin there for... 6 months now, and I really don't care anymore.
    They can boss me around, they can do anythin they want, but as soon as they threaten to fire me, I can threaten with the hours I worked, and the other numerous stuff I can catch them with.

    I'd then blackmail them, and tell them to give me a raise.

    Then.. after working with the raise for a couple of months, I'd quit and still goto the labour ministry
  16. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Do what I did.. just have something heavy land on you. After that it's all gravy. :)
  17. heh workers comp.
    when I sliced my hand open, I got that. I had to mail them a detailed explanation of what happened, so I just said screw it and threw it on my desk.

    A week later I got a second one stating I've lost all my benefits.

    I was like.. good, waste some more paper on me. Soon I'll have enough to have free tp.
  18. What chain do ya work for???

    I sometimes miss retail, but then I go to the mall and see all the stupid peeps asking stupid questions, ie: 'My friends told me I needed a better video adapter for this new game so I went out and bought a new 19" monitor, but the game still doesn't work, what's the deal here?'

    OMG, I hate stupid questions. I understand there is some ignorance about the tech field and all the mulititudes of hardware and software knowledge, but come on....

    Anyways, I do not miss retail at all. Just some of my co-workers. Oh how we used to laugh and mock peeps when they were gone.

  19. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    Retail days the good ole slave your butt off days
    i use to work at sears ,now i go in and laugh at all the suckers still there :)

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