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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Daleon, 12 Jul 2009.

  1. Dungeons and Dragons Online is switching to a no subscription micro-transaction payment system soon and the beta of the free game is available to FP subscribes. Got it last week and been playing it here and there. I avoided it when it first came out since the reviews were pretty bad and no one I knew was playing it. If you never tried it and got nothing else to play its worth looking especially since it will be free so you can play it off and on whenever you feel like it.

    The story telling and combat are better than I was expecting. Definitely a dated MMO but not that bad.
  2. hmmm...i had passed this up when I saw the email, but perhaps I'll give it a look see. I played in the open beta for the original release if I recall, that or some free pass for so many days. I don't remember being overly fond, but then I was probably hard to please since I have such fond memories of my old pen & paper DnD days.

    there have been a ton of betas from FP this summer it seems...
    Last edited: 12 Jul 2009

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