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My Birthday meteor shower!

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Om, 14 Nov 2009.

  1. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    Yes, a beautiful show to celebrate my birth is broadcast in the heavens every year...well, ok, I guess it has been happening since before I was born.

    Dont' forget to keep your eyes on the sky for this spectacular event. November 17 and 18 are the best mornings to see Leonid's meteors. Make sure to bring the critical meteor shower viewing equipment. I made you a list.

    1. Thermos of hot chocolate
    2. Warm blanket
    3. Someone you think is super hot to snuggle up with.

    You can see the meteor shower best before twilight.


    "Although the normal rate is about 10-15 meteors per hour, astronomers are predicting a probable outburst in activity this year. For observers in Asia, this outburst could amount to several hundred meteors per hour. It is uncertain what observers in other parts of the world are likely to see. The Leonids are among the fastest meteors that can be seen and the result is meteors that can be rather bright. It is not unusual for the Leonids to occasionally produce a meteor that can explode with enough light to illuminate the landscape."
    Last edited: 14 Nov 2009
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I am looking forward to it!

    I think it is a celebration of your birth, Sky. You are special enough that they started early. :)
  3. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    Awww! thanks, Mani.
  4. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    Oooh! Happy Birthday! :D
  5. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    Thanks, symen! <3

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