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Company of Heroes EASTERN FRONT

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Kindu, 25 Jan 2010.

  1. Ok. so its not an official expansion. but it is a community developed mod that just came out :). Its free for the download.

    Sooo. U vant to play like Mischka? Then COMRADE, go download this mod and install it and play vit me! You will command russian tanks, russian troops, basically a whole new faction for COH. VHAT ARE U VAITING FOR?


    Actually downloading now and gonna try it. Heard some good things already though tonight in a pickup game so I thought I would check it out.

    see you in game

  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    SWEET! Russian conscripts for the maw of war. Plus, you get the T-34, I am hoping???

    I'm IN!
  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Interesting, does this work with Steam installed?
  4. i dont know about steam. I have heard some people using steam might be having problems. will need to check the forums.

    I downloaded the first exe file from filefront and it was corrupted and wouldnt work. So i downloaded it from the site I linked above and it worked great. It came with a a launcer that puts a an icon on your desktop. Clicking on the launcher starts the game but also has an Update game option to patch it. I patched it to 1.01 no problem and played a map without problems last nite. When you open the game with the launcher it starts your regular company of heros game with the russian faction activited. if you launch the game regularly (the regular COH icon) then the russian faction is not activated.

    I dont know how this all really works with steam

    actually. found this in the forums. Im sure there is more steam help too


    Quick tutorial for steam users.
    « on: January 21, 2010, 09:45:04 PM »Feel free to sticky this if you feel it's needed.

    If you run Company of Heroes through steam you'll need to find this directory for the installation to install to:

    (X is your drive letter)
    X:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Company of Heroes

    If you run Windows X64 or Vista/7 x64 the folder location will be the same except that the Steam folder will be inside X:\Program Files (x86) Logged

    ALSO CHECK OUT THIS LINK TOO. again there is a lot of info on the EASTERN FRONT FORUMS'
    Last edited: 25 Jan 2010
  5. DL in progress
  6. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    it works with steam (it gives you its own launcher)
  7. Works great and i a lot of fun. They did an awesome job on the Russian language they used as well in it. It is very accurate. Grab this guys, let's be us some Russkies, my comrades!

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