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Ok, this will probably end up being crap but...

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Asp, 25 Feb 2010.

  1. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I like where they're going with it..

    "sort of PvP only version of EVE Online, but not with space ships!"

    World of Tanks

    Big MMO, pvp tank battles :eek::eek:

    Best of all no Mani doing run by knifings for his dog tag library.. :mad:

    game interview text
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Hey! That kinda looks like fun!
  3. Started messing with the beta last night. Getting started is rough when everyone else has much better tanks. I pretty much get 1 shot and can't do much of any damage to enemies. Pretty frustrating.

    They give you 150g a day in the beta I think and you can start buying new tanks with about 750g and they go up from there. Problem is it looks like you can only get gold when it goes live if you pay for the premium account which gives you 2500g for a month of premium access that gives you increased exp gain and some other stuff I think, haven't really figured it all out yet.

    Matches are setup pretty decent, jump into a queue and its something like 10 vs 10. The artillery tanks seem fairly over powered right now. If you don't stay on the move they destroy you. But if you get in close they can't do anything. Takes some skill to hit stuff, especially if you are moving atleast with the newb tanks. Maps and graphics are actually pretty good. Little disappointed that there is little to no team play or strategy right now but this may change when it goes live but not sure you can do group or guild vs guild matches.
  4. Been playing a good amount lately. One thing it does have going for it is extremely easy to jump into and play a few quick matches and if your lucky and your team wins you can do pretty good.

    A few days of the daily 150g beta allotment has allowed me to get up to a medium tank. It puts you into the higher class battles and my tank is pretty much bottom of that barrel so I usually get steam rolled by bigger guys right now. Using my lower rank tanks though I am getting pretty good with those and can often take out 3-4 tanks a match if i don't get slammed by artilery.

    I don't really know what the developers are shooting for. If its authentic tank battles or just balanced match play. But hopefully more countries (right now just Germany and USSR) and more maps are available at the start.

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