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Fallout: New Vegas

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Makersmarx, 6 Oct 2010.

  1. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    I'm finding a lot of bugs, but a major update is OTW.

    If I crouch with the cowboy rifle, I can't see the Pipboy screen until I switch weapons. It's like I am holding my arm over my head.

    The Nellis generator room mission where I had to clean out the ants had an issue. I walked all the way through it, seeing only 2 ants. Came out the other side and thought, "I must have missed a door or hatch to a lower level". When I re-entered the place had another 10-12 ants pop up.

    Ed-E is GREAT for smuggling. In the casinos where you have to check your weapons, his storage area keeps whatever is in there. So I just toss a couple of guns in him for back up.

    All said though, it is pretty cool.
  2. Thats a great idea on smuggling weapons!
  3. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    They patched it out on the 360. Dammit. No more bringing a flame thrower to a knife fight.
  4. Ya I tried last night as I entered the Silver Rush for the first time with Cass. Needless to say I got owned when things went bad! Ed-e was as empty as my wallet!

    I got my revenge after a couple of quests for them. Honestly, there is nothing more satisfying than stuffing a grenade in someone's pocket!!
  5. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    I do think it's hilarious that they disarm you when you enter Caesars camp, and the first thing you walk past is a vendor that will happily sell you a .357 long barrel magnum.

    You don't even need to worry about your hold out, you can pay 350 caps for serious hardware.

    "Fight this guy to the death with a machete"

    I'm nicknaming my gun machete.
  6. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    Watch for a small child in Fremont named Max. He is chasing a girl with a toy gun.

    His "toy gun" calls down a blast from Helios 1 in day light, the orbiting laser. You have to give him 1,000 caps, but it's well worth it.
  7. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf


    They end the game like they did on the original F3. You are locked out from doing anything else.

    Luckily, I saved the game right when I need to make a decision between factions.
  8. Ya I found the ending out the hard way. Thankfully my wife is also playing because I'm not sure I have another 60 hours in me to do it again already! Honestly, I was not that impressed with this game as I thought I would be. Just seemed too much like a Fallout 3 expansion pack. Oh well I have Fable 3 to keep me going!
  9. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    I bought the guide today. I killed House, Caesar and the NCR on my first play through.

    I have it saved right when I took the chip to House, so I am going from there and this time supporting him.

    The guide should give me a little better time on this round.

    I can't believe how glitchy it can still be. Sure, they fixed a lot but jeez there are still some real screw ups in there.
  10. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    OK so I'm a goof.

    It never occurred to me that the towns in the game are real. I mean, sure, Vegas. But Primm? And it actually has a Buffalo Bill Casino? And it actually has a roller coaster?

    Or that there actually is a Goodsprings with a Pioneer Saloon instead of Prospector Saloon.

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