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Dust 514

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by The Peacemaker, 22 Nov 2010.

  1. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    I can't agree that console games lack depth. Since most PC games are on the consoles anyway. Orange Box for instance.

    Oblivion, Mass Effect, Red Dead Redemption, GTA, Saints Row, Alan Wake, Heavy Rain, Uncharted, Dead Rising, Limbo and dozens more all have extensive story lines with complex branching.

    Hell, Uncharted 2 has a 5 minute cut scene at 3/4 of the way through that literally has you glued to the set when it happens.

    If you want to argue that the percentage of fluff to meat is higher on the consoles, sure I can go for that. Only because the number of titles coming out for the consoles seems to be about 5X that of PCs.
  2. I agree with most PC games are on consoles, but most are "dumbed" down for the masses. Don't get me wrong I do not think all console games are guilty of this, nor do I think all PC games are more in-depth.

    I play a lot of console games to pass the time for PC releases, and can honestly say I enjoy the flexibility and customization on the PC. They have not allowed us to mod our console games (Maybe you can and I just don't know how etc...) and until that day they will always be lacking in my opinion.

    By the way add me if your on XBOX Live: MAKersMARX

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