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Well it's official

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by FaithStrike, 4 Jan 2011.

  1. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Warwolf and I are on the Freemantle server now. I had my Rogue on a different server, but switched when I heard WW was on now. I'm rolling a Defiant Necro/Warlock/Chloro for fun now. Seems a solid build so far.

    I think I want to focus on PvP right now. Don't really have time to devote to grinding out levels and such, just enough to get in, get some prestige/honor/etc, and log off. Oh, and melt faces. Must melt faces.
  2. I don't see a Freemantle on the shard list do you mean freeholme?
  3. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Yeah, it's Freeholde. Don't know why I thought it was Freemantle.
  4. Age of Conan has launched its free service. I had a decent time back beta, but was nothing much new. Hellgate is also relaunching as free game with open beta going right now. It had to some fun aspects, just didn't like that it wasn't really very mmo and had some clunky banking and crafting systems.

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