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We now have a guild in The Old Republic

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Sentrosi, 27 Sep 2011.

  1. just wondering if we have to go eastern time zone again, thats 2 hours ahead of me. By the time im getting home from work, eating, and sitting down, the server is already at 8:30 - 9pm. While this probably isnt a big deal in SWTOR, it was always a big deal in WoW as far as pickup groups etc. perhaps midwest or mountain time would be more neutral for everyone. Just bringing it up since it wasnt discussed.
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    They only have eastern or western zones for the servers. So I chose eastern. I don't get on the PC until around 9pm ET now. which is probably going to be our sweet spot.
  3. us midwestern people dont rate... lolo. thanks sentrosi, didnt know that about the servers. Also, Black widow company is probably on eastern server, didnt think of that initially.
  4. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I'm guessing they're focussing on East and West Server farms only atm. For what it's worth though, if there are no mid-west servers, all you "Fargo" types will have to be on East or West servers, so there should at least be a decent mid-west PuG population; since you wont be all drained away onto your own timezone servers. :p

    I'm guessing if we get enough people playing, borrowing players from BWC and such we should have an ok time running any operations and helping each other level at all times. :)

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