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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Makersmarx, 25 Sep 2012.

  1. Anyone lvl 90 yet? Gonna try to log after work, but lil crazy after a week off at the rally! Hope to be on around 7 :D
  2. I sat and sat and thought about this... but I'm going to let my ignorance be known... what is MOP? lol
  3. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer


    The latest World of Warcraft Expansion
    .. Mists of Crap-We've-Run-Out-of-Ideas-Lets-Thrown-in-Ninja-Pandas-and-Hope-They-Keep-Paying..

  4. I'll pay....its only money, you cant take it with you when ya pass anyways.
  5. *You have been kicked from the server*
  6. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

    *shakes fist at Sentrosi* I didn't say it this time!
  7. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    This talk of the game that shall not be mentioned is making me a Sad Panda!
  8. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Hmmm, that script seems to have migrated over to the forums.

    This is good.
  9. ITS BECOME SELF AWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
  10. Ohhhh yeah! I actually kinda forgot we had a WOW division. I have mixed feelings about WOW. It's obviously a very proficiently crafted game in many ways... It just didn't hold my attention. *shrug*

    After TOR, I think I'm just kinda out of traditional MMOs... Although I admit I have such a soft spot for EQ that I'll at least give EQ next a looksie.
  11. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

  12. MOP's been ok, nothing spectacular, but not bad either. They added scenario's which is pretty cool if you don't always have the time to run heroics or raid.
  13. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

    Yea it's alright, I got to 87ish and kinda burned though, shaman didn't get much love
  14. is there an EQ next?
  15. There is. little info has been released, but supposedly it uses the same engine as PS2.
  16. i may be interested in the eq forthcoming.
  17. Just dinged 88 the other day, not really rushing, but enjoying thus far. Was going to start a monk sometime just to check it out

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