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Computer problems

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by TWIZTED, 19 Sep 2001.

  1. Does anyone know how to fix my damn computer. It says this on the bootup screen(the black screen when u start ur computer):

    Disk boot error,Please insert system disk.

    1/There is no floppy disk in the drive

    2/When i put the system recovery disk that came with the computer and it says this:

    The hard drive is not partitioned.This disk creates DOS partitions. If you see this message again it may be caused by non-DOS partitions.You must delete the non-DOS partitions before proceding.

    Anyone have any idea what to do?

    I wanna get back to playing tribes. :mortar:
  2. Rubick

    Rubick DragonWolf

    sounds like you either lost the whole HDD, or at minimum a few leading sectors/tracks. try scandiscing see what the results are, if you cant do that id lowlvl format it using fdisc, you will lose everything if you fdisc it.
  3. Either you got a really bad virus, or you have some serious corruption on your HDD. Pretty much all you can do is Fdisk it....

  4. Doomhawk

    Doomhawk Council of Elders<BR>UberPigeon Elder DragonWolf

    make sure to do a full scandisc with surface scan also. My OS died once because of a single bad sector at the begining of my HD wich prevented it from booting. Over the next 6 that I used the HD no other sectors became damaged so I was lucky, but still kept my files backed up.
  5. I take my laptop into teh shower occasionally to listen 2 music.... it corrupted a sector on my HDD causing explorer to crash whenever I booted windoze... it was EEEVILLL...

  6. computers + water = lose
  7. Well I'm pretty sure all of you are right but theres two problems:

    1)I dont know any of that computer shyt. What the Fu** is FDisk. Where can i get it?(My last resort cause i dont want to lose my programs)

    2) I cant get passed that black screen to do anything.When i try safe Mode it says "A:/" and i have to type something.

    Damn I'm screwed!!!:(
    Last edited: 19 Sep 2001
  8. Rubick

    Rubick DragonWolf

    if your getting and A:\ prompt odds are you have a disc in the drive, but any how...

    fdisk and scandisc are applications that should be on your startup disc;

    a:\> DIR

    should list your applications or at least allow you to see what is on that disc, the apps should be in the root of that directory, just make sure you run them (scandisc and/or fdisk) on your "c:".

    have you tried accessing your main HDD by changing over to it (c:\) to see if you have any data left on it or if it can be accessed at all?

    BTW fdisk isnt something your gonna want to play with it, it has a bad habit of shortening the life of drives, due to the fact that it low level formats it wihle whiping any partions.

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