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Zerotrigger's Application

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Zerotrigger, 15 Jan 2013.

  1. Hail
    My name is Zerotrigger. Im sort of a PS1 vet due to the fact that i never bought the game (mostly because i was poor back in the day :( ), but i took part in the reserves program whenever it was available.

    PS1 was a amazing experience for me, while i never found a outfit, i was always putting together squads or joining them and could never get enough of the dynamic team gameplay and indepth tactical and strategical planning that was part of the game.

    I am currently playing PS2 without a outfit and, i find the game... lacking because of it. Im not looking to just join some huge outfit just so i can endlessly zerg across Auraxis, No im looking for a solid outfit of like minded players who believe in strategy and tactical gameplay.

    As for myself and my gameplay style, Im a very versatile player anything from fly libs, to leading a ground assault, or trying to direct a mindless zerg mob to victory. I see myself as having good leadership skills, but iam not a overly aggressive player and find myself most comfortable around players who know what there doing and dont need to be told what to do. Mostly i'm a very honorable and loyal, and truthful person, i see these as my greatest traits and i would very much like to be part of a outfit that appreciates traits such as mine.

    Im very excited to hear back from you guys, i think i would be a great fit in your outfit and eagerly await your reply. :) (Zerotrigger is my character on Waterson)
  2. Hello and welcome. Please check your private messages on these forums for next steps.
  3. Jennyboo

    Jennyboo Public Relations Officer Officer

    welcome :)
  4. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

  5. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

  6. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    :hi: Welcome and good luck in the recruiting process! Great that you signed up with us! :thumbsup:
  7. Welcome!
  8. Welcome to the application process. :)
  9. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Hello and welcome to the application process.
    Looking forward to seeing what you're made of.
  10. Welcome, and good luck.

    Strategy and Tactics are kinda like our middle name. Hope to see ya on.
  11. Welcome and good luck!

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