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Revived. Coming back with a new rig

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Dillyo.0012, 17 Feb 2013.

  1. So a while ago I said that I would be unable to play with you guys because my computer had crapped out on me, well I am happy to say that I have a brand new rig built. Although at the moment I'm just working on reinstalling win7 with out an intallation disc, abit of tricky business but I'm on the final stretch. The rig that I'm quite proud of building, is an MSI mother board, 550wat ps, 16GB of RAM (oh yeah), and a Geforce gtx 650ti ssc 2GB. I will update when I get everything up and running, and start playing with you all again.
  2. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    Yay! :thumbsup: Welcome back Dillyo!
  3. Welcome home! :cheers: What kind of processor are you putting in that bad boy? :)
  4. i just got the amd fx 1600, 6 core, 3.30, overclocked. all of the stuff in a thermaltake commander ms-1
  5. If I can make any bold comments on additional items - make sure you do -not- skimp out on a good cpu cooler. Do your homework on what you can afford and get it.

    I actually also got an additional GPU cooler. In total I believe my rig has ....11? fans, 5 of which are being run direct through a standalone controller. When I game, I amp up all the main fans (front, bottom, side, top, and GPU) and let the onboard controller handle the p/s, rear, cpu and harddrive fans.

    I had thought about going watercooled - but due to case restrictions and the constant moving of my rig in a vehicle, it wasn't worth the potential catastrophe.

    Glad to see you're back in game. :D
  6. if we go into cooling, I can't reccomend the H100 more(now I guess they have the "i" version that digitally controls all of the fans in the case).

    I've managed some decent overclocking with it and even on a mild overclock it keeps me cool.

    What kind of ram did you get?(samsung low profile, low voltage here at 2100mhz 1.5v 9-9-9-24)
  7. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Nice! :thumbsup:
  8. I also run Corsair water cooling. I use the H80. It's just a little less performance than the H100 but an easier form factor to fit in most cases.
  9. yeah i am planing on getting more fans, also the ram i have are 4 corsair vengeance 4GB sticks. I got my win7 installed now, and the drivers installed, but my internet is giving me problems, for some reason its just really, really slow. its to the point where i just dont bother with it, and just play skyrim.
    Last edited: 18 Feb 2013
  10. Also be sure with a 550w PS that you have enough juice for anything added in.
  11. thanks for the tip, ill be making sure of how much of it im using. Also i should add that my internet problem is fixed, i guess i just needed to warm my new wifi card.
  12. oh wow that's cool, thanks for linking thank man, i got like 30w but i think i missed some stuff in that calculator.

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