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Neverwinter Beta Keys

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Khorneholio, 14 Mar 2013.

  1. Sweet! Thank you sir, you are a scholar and a gentleman.
  2. registering
    password recovering
  3. Use a different email addy?
  4. Got my key :) when is the next weekend beta?
  5. Next weekend.
  6. already downloaded, got key, ready to go, we must adventure all sunday
  7. WOOT!!! Thanks Bro! Ready to rock and roll!
  8. For those of you who haven't tried it yet, it reminds me a lot of a polished updated version of DDO set in Abeir-Toril instead of Eberron.
  9. I just seen this did anybody snag any extras?
  10. DA, I have an extra key. I'll send it to you later this evening.
  11. I'm Dling now. I have never played this sort of game. Hell I just upgraded from Tribes/T2 about a year ago so someone may need to explain to me the ways of the magic :)


    Upgrading my be a strong word Tribes is boss.
  12. tribes was/is the best game ever, hands down.........so maybe a sidegrade?
    1 person likes this.
  13. I miss Tribes/T2 :( it looks like this thread is going to get derailed by tribes lub
  14. I want to ride into battle on my armored stallion (no way I'm paying 120 for the spider ;) ) with my trusty dire wolf. Did anyone else buy a founders pack? I'm hesitant to pull the trigger but kinda want to play this.
  15. I am still debating on the Hero or Guardian pack...but yes i will get one of them
  16. I got the $60 pack. I'll be there with bells on. :)

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