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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Khorneholio, 8 Mar 2013.

  1. Yeah there should be some difference besides just for some RP backstory someone would write. As for the Deity, yeah I would think that would offer some sort of minor benefit specific to the Deity you chose. Would be nice if they did change that.
  2. I was disappointed. I agree with the GW2 knockoff. Plus most of the quests were instanced. Another one of those games that I feel is trying to take the "MM" out of "MMO"
  3. That's actually part of what I enjoy about it, and part of what I enjoyed about the original NWN. It's what I call a "Moderately Multiplayer Online Game". I feel like the focus on intimate group instances helps with the "tabletop feel".

    All these people saying that it reminds them of guild wars kinda makes me wonder if I should have tried it. My biggest problem with GW was that the setting held no interest for me and the art direction was too anime influenced for my tastes. However, if it was really that much like NW, maybe I would have enjoyed it. :)
  4. i enjoyed it. I have read every book but the newest 4 that I just found about. I am debating about the 200, but definitly getting the 60
  5. Oakfist

    Oakfist DragonWolf

    I enjoyed it as well. Played a cleric up to lev 15. Seemed like it has some definite playability and if the player created content is as versatile as it seems it could be HUGE.

    I dont know how/why people are comparing it to GW2. I have a maxed out Ranger and a 40ish something Engineer in GW2 and I cant place anything that is that similar to each other that no other MMO shares as well.

    I saw in chat all weekend people comparing the 2 as well and never could place it. Oh, well.

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