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Chivalry Medieval Warfare

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by GraniteRok, 1 Apr 2013.

  1. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    Anyone played this game? It was released in October. Good reviews and game scores by IGN, Metacritic and more. Basically sword and board combat but appears to be session objective based and more of a skill swinging rather than button mashing. Swing high and low or middle, Chop down and stab. Range is important as well. Different classes and armour types each with pros and cons.

    Watching the videos looked interesting. Curious if anyone else have seen this or tried it. It's on Steam for $25.

  2. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    hmmm , looks interesting
  3. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    According to my steam, Slammy and Waldo have this and Shewolf said she's played it. Love to hear some first hand comments guys!
  4. I love it, its like counter strike medieval style. Abit mindless at times, which is one reason I like it :3 Plus I fucking spend half of my time roleplaying as an elven knight in second life, by law im suppose to like all things medieval..

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