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News: Game Update 06 Released

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by CDLBot, 3 Apr 2013.

  1. CDLBot

    CDLBot CDLBOT V2.1

    Game Update 06 is currently being pushed to live servers! This update contains the usual balance and performance fixes in addition to additional character slots for members, ...

  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Here are the full notes:

  3. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    Shotgun changes, will have to see. Hopefully it'll allow you to actually shoot back before dying.

    NC Maxes... About time!

    Tank rocking bug fixed.. YAY!

    Mines not arming if dropped on top of vehicle... Does this fix the Engy Jihad? I don't think so.

    Base Turret buffs!? .. Not liking this. They didn't need it. AV turret was deadly enough. AA one only got a little more downward angle so that's not too bad.
  4. Wouldn't mind them giving more buffs to the anti-infantry turret so people actually use them, I find them kind of handy from time to time.

    Happy about the heavy machinegun part though, means I can kill light vehicles with it now.
  5. Overall, looks like a good patch. I hope Scattermaxes are feeling a nice sore jaw today from getting the punch in the face they have desperately needed.

    SGTHACK DragonWolf

    Give me rockets that actually blow up something. Tired of using 15 rockets to get a kill...
  7. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    With the turrets buffed now, did they adjust the lock on hit boxes for them? I'm tired of launching 5 Strikers at a turret only to get zero hits on it because the lockon box is right below the actual turret.
  8. Hmm the Pump Actions still OHK, they just now punishes you even further for near misses or misses so I don't expect a huge change from the perspective of the victim.
  9. BIG changes to the way the MCG cone of fire works. It's hard to get used to... but I THINK once I do I'll call it a buff. lol
  10. I do like it, and they did the same thing to shotguns which has led me to put a laser on my PA to stretch my range out some.

    Got to play in my second Alert yesterday and this time the TR took the cake and we won 9142 xp for holding the most territory on esamir, the VS beat us on day one by take most of Indar.
    Last edited: 5 Apr 2013

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